[OBSOLETE] OSRAM Lightify Smart Dimmer Switch (button controller device handler and smart app)

Hey, I just found icon: "st.Home.home30"

Look at that!

It’s odd though because it shows it as either down or up, depending on how you look at it, in-app. The app isn’t the same as the amazon image.

Does the Osram hub integrate with Smartthings?
I can get the Osram hub for $30 and eliminate copying and pasting code and hoping that it works. I really do not have time for that. I am a technical person, but not a programmer. Kudos to those who enjoy that. Seriously, I may try the device handler code. I’m sure it can be done. I have the Osram switch and it is paired to Smartthings and does turn a smart bulb on or off. No dimming functions.
If I may rant, This device has been out nearly a year and is only minimally supported by Smartthings. This switch could be the item that could draw renters, apartment dwellers, non-technically inclined and people like myself with no neutral wiring in my old house into home automation. My home automation implementation has been stalled by lack of neutral wiring. I’m sure there are hundreds of devices being tested by Smartthings, but how can they sit on this one for so long?

unfortunately it doesn’t but its still worth getting the hub to update the bulbs

Thanks for the info.

First, apologies. This is a long thread and I’m still onboarding as an ST user so I’m struggling to take it all in. Hopefully this post improves the conversation by providing a touchpoint for newer users like me.

I’m just trying to figure out if this switch and the accompanying device handler will solve my simpl…ish use case. I’m essentially looking for a button controller to toggle all of the various lights in my living room. This includes zigbee bulbs (GE Link) and zwave outlets (TP), all of which are registered Things in ST.

I don’t currently require dimming, just a simple “turn on/off these three bulbs and two plugs,” but I do want it to work through the ST platform rather than doing an end-run around it to activate the devices directly.

Will this switch serve that function with/without the accompanying device handler? If so I’m happy to purchase and then wade through this excellent thread to try to get it working.

Yes try installing the device handler then pair the device to your ST hub. If all you want to do is turn on/off a group of zwave and zigbee bulbs/switches, then try using smart lighting, you shouldn’t need any other smartapps.

This is literally exactly what I was looking for. I was messing around with another handler and smartapp and this morning I said to myself, I just want something that will let me use on and off, and then hold each one for dimming levels. Bam I found this. You are amazing. Thanks for your work.

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Thanks so much.

Do I just need the DTH and no smartapp if I simply want to use this to trigger an existing ST element (a smart switch or smart outlet) to come on or off?

Look at what I wrote three posts up :point_up_2:

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Thanks…my bad. :slight_smile:

Hi all,
I got the switch to pair, but it only recognizes one of the buttons (the “on”). How do I get the hub to recognize both the on (the top button) and the off (the bottom button) conditions? I’m controlling a smart plug so that I can turn on some lamps in a room without a switched outlet. It’s like the pairing only recognizes “button 1” even though the “recent” activity will show button 1 and button 2 presses or holds. When trying to use the Smart Lighting app, it only seems to recognize button 1. What am I doing wrong here?

Also, It doesn’t show the battery percentage. It seems as if it isn’t using the device handler I installed.

Could be. If you go to your device list in the IDE, you can select it and see whether it’s using this custom device handler or another one. If it’s not the right one, click the drop down menu to change it.

I ended up changing to Adam’s code and it works good!


I’ve got this mostly working, although with a delay and occasional misfires.

I’m using with 2 Cree bulbs thusly:

  • Motley’s device handler (buttons)
  • Button Controller Smart App
    • Button presses and helds are mapped to Routines

Such that there are three states:

  • Both lights on (press Button 1)
  • Both lights off (press Button 2)
  • Both lights at 10% brightness (hold Button 1)

I’ve done it this way because I intend to also control a switch that turns on/off an incandescent lamp, but my setup feels over-engineered. I’m using a smart app AND routines, which seems like a gross overuse that may be responsible for the 1-2s delay between input and reaction. I tried doing this with direct control per bulb, but that way only seems to recognize a single button for the whole switch.

I’ve also noticed that the OSRAM switch occasionally fails to register button presses. I’m thinking this may have to do with the ST hub being too far away from the switch?

If anybody has advice on how to simplify this setup to achieve the same result, I’d be happy to try adjustments.

I’ve been trying to setup the Osram Lightify dimmers with a couple different Osram bulb scenarios but no matter what I do, it won’t recognize holding the down button. It recognizes the button up press, button down press, and button up held, but not button down held. I’ve tried motley’s device handler and @adamoutler and @Motley and neither works. I can turn the lights off and on, but dimming won’t work. Everything works in the app but not with the actual switch. I have 4 of these dimmers and 2 of them so far with the same results.

I’ve tried it with 2 OSRAM LIGHTIFY RT5/6 RGBW recessed lights and with a single OSRAM LIGHTIFY Smart Connected Light A19 RGBW bulb.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

I’ve been using this DTH for a while now, since it works better than any of the others for button smartapps. It has been working great. I recently made a few changes to report button information just to make it easier to use with button smartapps.

capability "Holdable Button"
def installed() {
    sendEvent(name: 'numberOfButtons', value: 2)

I also tried to get the battery level to report but so far I get a level of 88% on all 3 of my remotes so I don’t think that part is working yet.

If you have live logging running do you see anything show up when you hold button 2 (down)?

Yes, done live logging and nothing happens on button 2 held. Button 1
press, button 2 press, and button 1 held, all show proper logs.


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It should always show Parse returned $device.displayName button 2 was held in the live logging, maybe try pulling your button out of the holder and trying it? The holder has a subtle notch to require it be installed only one way and if it is in there wrong maybe that is interfering with it somehow. Did you say you have some that are working? If so and they are all using the same DTH, I’d guess it is a HW issue or maybe try removing one of the bad ones from the hub and add it back to see if that helps.