[OBSOLETE] Lock User Management (LUM)

I have a Yale YRD210. If I open the door with the master code I get a bunch of notifications the the door was unlocked by an unknown user. Anyway to stop this?

Also, is this new?
GMT-0500 (CDT): info Retry programming disabled, assuming user was added successfully to the lock

Make sure you’re using the Universal Enhanced Z-wave Lock DH, the stock ST Lock DH does not support all locks but the enhanced supports almost every lock in the market today.

You’ve disabled the re-verification option on the first page setting (under advanced options).

Thank you, appreciate the support.

Each user has their own notification button (notify on unlock) under their names/codes and when enabled it also provides a pop up option to notify only when in certain modes. So if you set the mode to say night/away then when you’re in home mode it won’t send any notifications.

Since users have their own notifications (other all clubbed under one option, jam and invalid users cannot be disabled due to security concerns)
EDIT: Presence based notifications for lock/unlock will be added in the next release

However Lock and Unlock Actions are already linked to presence of users and specific modes.

We have a new update coming out in a day or so with some additional features.

##door Lock Code Multi User Management with Notifications and Actions - Version 05.05.00

  • Added support for selective use notifications, i.e. when users are not present
  • Added ability to chime/ring a bell when the door is opened (with option to select modes)
  • Improve quality of notifications and simplified user interface

Recommend use the [Universal Enhanced Z-Wave Lock] ([RELEASE] Universal Enhanced Z-Wave Lock Driver for Schlage, Yale, Kwikset, IDLock, Popp, Danalock, August Pro, Keywe, Philia, Samsung) device handler version 3.2.0 or newer for full SmartApp and automatic update notification functionality

I’m using the correct device handler. Last edit I see is 2017-3-13 3.02.02

I have disabled the re-verification .


I had the same issue, it came after I updated the smartapp or dth some time ago. I reported the issue but don’t know if it ever got fixed, I stopped using this smartapp after it happend. I started using the “Lock single user code management” and “User unlock/lock door notification and actions” also from @RBoy, and they work as expected

Excellent addition to an already great app. Works very well. Thanks!

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having a problem here with the user lock manager…

I have a Yale Keyfree, which has a master user code, as well as the user database. since I last updated, I am getting an unlock notification when I use the master code (coming up as user 251), and I can’t find where to disable the notification.

I realise that in IT terms, I’m using the Admin password to log in to my house, and I know this is stupid, but still… should probably be something to note within the manager app


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Are you using the Universal Enhanced Z Wave DH? If so can you please capture the logs from IDE Live a Logging (filter the logs by the ones coming from the device lock and not the SmartApp) and PM it to me. Happy to look into what’s going on.

Yes, I will do some testing tomorrow and send you the logs.

It’s coded to always notify on unknown user snd master user.

Here’s the log entry for the Master User:

eaca288c-cd72-45b4-8a92-ae6d958300a3  10:17:21 AM: debug "zw device: 02, command: 9881, payload: 00 71 05 13 FB " parsed to ['name':'lock', 'value':'unlocked', 'descriptionText':Front Door was unlocked with code 251, 'data':['usedCode':251, 'type':'keypad'], 'isStateChange':true, 'displayed':true, 'linkText':'Front Door']
eaca288c-cd72-45b4-8a92-ae6d958300a3  10:17:21 AM: trace Battery 90%
eaca288c-cd72-45b4-8a92-ae6d958300a3  10:17:20 AM: debug AlarmReport AlarmReport(alarmLevel: 251, alarmType: 19, eventParameter: [], numberOfEventParameters: 0, zensorNetSourceNodeId: 0, zwaveAlarmEvent: 0, zwaveAlarmStatus: 0, zwaveAlarmType: 0)

Is it possible to to the auto lock an “if” feature? That if being that doors sensor reads as closed?

Yes this feature is already present and requires a door sensor to work. Don’t mix this up with the native lock autolock. Some locks have native autolock built into them. The SmartApp has no control over that. The SmartApp uses the door sensor to create an autolock use case but make sure you’ve disabled native autolock on your device

@cscheiene thanks for the logs, so to summarize for the benefit of the community and @Trond_Dyskeland, you’re using IDLock, use following this process:

  1. Use the Enhanced Z-Wave Device Handler (to support the IDLock lock)
  2. In the SmartApp enable the option to Disable Retry and Code Verification (this is because IDLock doesn’t do code programming verification which is an issue with the lock firmware)
  3. Make sure you clear the codes the first time you install the lock, the procedure is given on the website (www.rboyapps.com), in short enter maximum users 2 for IDLock, click Next, leave the names and codes blank and click Done. Then wait for 5 minutes
  4. After 5 minutes go in and enter the codes for the 1st user (Master) and 2nd user (Service), click Done and then wait 5 minutes to complete the programming process.

Waiting for 5 minutes is important because the SmartApp uses a dual programming mechanism, the fast programming and then slow programming. IDLock does not support fast programming and hence you need to wait until the slow programming is complete for it to work properly.

Hi and thanks for remembering me.
I was just posting in the Norwegian facebook group that the lock works perfectly now after updating to the latest device handler and Smartapp from you !

The Smartapp reports correct name linked with correct PIN now !
I`ve also tried changing the PINs and names without any issues.

Thanks again for great support.

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##door Lock Code Multi User Management with Notifications and Actions - Version 05.05.01

  • Added support to report Master Code usage for supporting locks (e.g. Yale, IDLock etc)

Recommend use the [Universal Enhanced Z-Wave Lock] ([RELEASE] Universal Enhanced Z-Wave Lock Driver for Schlage, Yale, Kwikset, IDLock, Popp, Danalock, August Pro, Keywe, Philia, Samsung) device handler version 03.03.00 or newer for full SmartApp and automatic update notification functionality

I am a new user, I hooked up a schlage be469. After setting up your app and entering user names I’m getting these messages in my “recently” tab. They are occurring every minute. The lock and codes appear to be working.

It’s normal for it to verify codes as part of these security feature. If it
continues for more than 30 minutes then you probably didn’t follow the
instructions to clear all codes before programming the new codes after a
fresh install. You can find the procedure listed on our website. (www.rboyapps.com) This only
needs to be when you install the SmartApp for the first time.

How can I receive a notification if an invalid code is entered?