Hi there RBoy! You told me today to make an account here and to update my progress.
I reinstalled your app, and the codes were resent. The issue that occurs is my Schalge lock and STv2 will work for a day or so when I resend the codes/schedules to my lock. Then it just stops sending the codes/schedule to my lock. It seems to happen overnight because it remembers to delete the codes the day before but does not write them back the next day (I codes to be send 8AM-5PM M-F).
I’ve noticed since the last ST update, the lock is sometimes slow, or doesn’t even tell me via the ‘messages’ on the ST app if the door was locked or unlock or who used their code. Sometimes it works and registers, but sometimes it doesn’t. It worked fine on Thanksgiving day, as I’d show my family how it would respond and how I could unlock from my phone. As of today, it does not unlock/lock from my app, or its very slow in doing so (more like 10% chance it will work).
Now we did have power shut off during a storm after Thanksgiving (when the lock became worse and worse in responding), so I did the following:
Unplugged my STv2 Hub for 5 or so minutes and waited until steady green to do the following:
Removed/Reinstalled the lock app
Removed/Reinstalled lock from my Z Network
Now for today, I reinstalled the app with the newest version, and the codes were sent and all is well. When I used one of the codes, it worked, but ST did not see it as it happened. It just unlocked the door and the activity did not show that it was unlocked, and in which, did not tell me via SMS that it was unlocked.
I just tried it again after a few minutes since the last time I tried, and it worked and show me via the app and SMS. But I tried to unlock the door from the app and it did not work. If I manually lock it, it thinks its still unlocked. I have the Schlage lock to auto-lock after 15 seconds, I’m not using any App to do so, could that be the cause?
I know I rambled on, but I’m fairly new to all HA, and don’t know the best way to explain myself.