[OBSOLETE] Lock User Management (LUM)

Hi there. Please note that SmartApps run concurrently and are not dependent on each other. What that means is one SmartApp cannot “override” another app, they all work independent of each other. If you have two SmartApps which provide an auto lock feature, then they will both operate simultaneously and can therefore create expected locking behavior. Hence it’s a good idea to verify that SmartApps features don’t conflict with each other or execute at the same time.

There are two types of auto lock:

  • SmartApp based auto lock, for example what LUM and RLA offer through the Door Open/Close Actions page
  • Hardware based auto locks, these are built into the lock hardware, some are configurable (e.g Yale), other are fixed (Schlage, Kwikset)

It’s a good idea to check that both SmartApp and Hardware based auto lock aren’t enabled at the same time to avoid conflicts. To configure Hardware based auto lock you can do it directly on the lock itself (refer to the lock manual) or for supported locks you can use the Enhanced Z-Wave Lock device handler to manage them through SmartThings. If you’re upgrading from the Classic app to the new App be sure to update your device handler and follow the instructions here to clear the cache for the new controls to show up in the new app.