[OBSOLETE] Lock User Management (LUM)

@cscheiene thanks for the logs, so to summarize for the benefit of the community and @Trond_Dyskeland, you’re using IDLock, use following this process:

  1. Use the Enhanced Z-Wave Device Handler (to support the IDLock lock)
  2. In the SmartApp enable the option to Disable Retry and Code Verification (this is because IDLock doesn’t do code programming verification which is an issue with the lock firmware)
  3. Make sure you clear the codes the first time you install the lock, the procedure is given on the website (www.rboyapps.com), in short enter maximum users 2 for IDLock, click Next, leave the names and codes blank and click Done. Then wait for 5 minutes
  4. After 5 minutes go in and enter the codes for the 1st user (Master) and 2nd user (Service), click Done and then wait 5 minutes to complete the programming process.

Waiting for 5 minutes is important because the SmartApp uses a dual programming mechanism, the fast programming and then slow programming. IDLock does not support fast programming and hence you need to wait until the slow programming is complete for it to work properly.