Hi, Just want to say that this looks actually awesome, I cam across this by accident, but I was disappointed to see that device control had not been opened up on the harmony API. This will make control so much easier and allow me to also voice control much easier compared to the awful harmony Alexa integration…
However… one problem! I have a windows computer as my 24/7 server… I assume I can’t run this directly in any way and I will need to run a virtual machine in virtual box? Anyone else on windows that can advise what setup they are using, if I need to put a Linux distro on a VM that’s fine although my linux experience is minimal, I don’t really want to run a full ubuntu install…
Cheers for the reply, I also noticed that there is a docker version for windows, so will give that a go this evening and let you know if I have any luck!
Please run command “docker ps” and check whether container is alive.
If it is alive,
Run command “docker attach [container name]”(detach Ctrl + p + q) and see the log.
If it is not alive, is there any log after running container? docker run --name=“harmony-api” -v /path/to/your/config:/config -p 8282:8282 -d jonmaddox/harmony-api
So I’ve given it a go, I’ve got docker running in a virtualbox followed the vague instructions to get harmony-api running and the docker falls flat on it’s face with the error “can’t find module /config/config.json”…
I’ve decided once again that linux is an absolute PITA to do even the most simple task, I’m very technically minded but just no patience with this type of thing… will wait for an alternative…
Hello @fearz
Hm… I think that docker is better than other way.
In my case using docker at Rasp, I also experienced connection lost with hub and I didn’t know exactly why it happen.
In that case I turn off and on Hub sometimes.
Hello @fearz
I am sorry for late response.
hm…there is a routine of discovering to find again hub when hub is disconnected.
It looks like that hub’s state is on between offline and online.
To clarify this problem, need more logs when issue is happened.
If you have a harmony-api logs at that time, please share that.
Thank you.
the idea of this smartapp is amazing and exactly what I’m looking for to control my electric fireplaces, the only downfall for me is that I do not have any servers running or any computer for that matter…its too bad it can’t be incorporated right into smartthings