Flashing red when there is no motion and runs through a bunch of colors when there is motion detected…I have two automations set up and both are working and being noted in the logs. Maybe I bought the colorful version?
Wow, maybe the 70’s disco version?
That’s really odd, and I bet your battery won’t last too long. I wonder if it’s stuck in some find of test mode or something. I’ve not seen that before.
I’d at least try a factory reset and reinclude the device - look at step 11 in the instructions link I provided above. You don’t need to delete the device in ST because of the way zigbee device ID’s are managed compared to zwave, and that’s good because you don’t have to go back and rebuild or reconfigure any SmartApps.
Ok I will do that and then moving on to the open/closed sensors for my MyQ to refresh quicker! Thanks for all your help!
It worked…green when there is motion and nothing when there is no motion! I love this community!
Does anyone know if there is a way to configure these to not flash the green light when motion is detected?
Is there a way to report the battery on these, such that SmartTiles can see it as a capability and output that? I see it in the iOS app…but not able to be chosen in SmartTiles setup. Or perhaps thats a question for @tgauchat for something on their side…just curious.
If the device has Capability “Battery” (and properly fulfils that with the correct Attribute), then SmartTiles will work with it.
That’s what I thought, and don’t see in the device type, but doubted myself because I see the battery percentage in the iOS app.
If you switch to the smartsense motion/temp device handler it has battery that works and makes these run local on the V2 hub. And they work just fine Win win.
Mitch’s DTH does have Capability Battery, so … ought to work.
I’m a tad concerned with possibly invalid Attribute value… line 228.
Battery spec is number
That should get replaced with a valid number value a few lines down. That’s exactly how ST is doing it in their device type for the ST motion sensor.
Seems to be working…
That’s weird, because today I can choose it and it wasn’t in the list before.
Chalk it up to ST weirdness I guess.
I usually do Makes debugging a challenge…
SmartThings does a lot of stuff wrong.
With zero offense intended to any coder at SmartThings … a lot of the code is a mess. There are valid reasons (legacy, workarounds, time pressure).
But, to me, a big part of the problem is an untyped language like Groovy. Hate it hate it hate it.
(Cute beagle, Mitch!!!)
I’ve actually had to make a conscious effort to try follow Groovy conventions and not lapse into traditional Java. I still do though. I prefer more rigid structure/syntax.
Thanks! She knows it, too… gets away with pretty much anything on account of it
I paired my new Iris motion sensor several times over, using @mitchp code and then tried with the manual procedure.
Pairing happens, Battery and Temperature are reported, but once motion is reported once, it stays there and won’t reports any further motion and won’t report any end of motion.
If there is movement in front of the sensor, Am I supposed to see the green light blinking?
Do you think I could have a faulty Motion Sensor?
2016-02-15 8:24:43.603 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:24:39.795 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:24:38.737 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE motion active SmartSense Motion Sensor detected motion true
2016-02-15 8:24:36.705 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:24:35.560 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:24:34.548 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:24:33.957 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:24:31.798 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:24:31.503 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE temperature 80 SmartSense Motion Sensor was 80°F true
2016-02-15 8:24:30.334 PM EST
10 minutes ago DEVICE temperature 80 SmartSense Motion Sensor was 80°F true
2016-02-15 8:24:25.824 PM EST
10 minutes ago COMMAND refresh refresh command was sent to SmartSense Motion Sensor true
2016-02-15 8:24:25.279 PM EST
10 minutes ago COMMAND refresh refresh command was sent to SmartSense Motion Sensor true
2016-02-15 8:20:05.751 PM EST
14 minutes ago DEVICE temperature 80 SmartSense Motion Sensor was 80°F true
2016-02-15 8:11:11.167 PM EST
23 minutes ago DEVICE temperature 83 SmartSense Motion Sensor was 83°F true
2016-02-15 8:10:44.703 PM EST
24 minutes ago DEVICE battery 88 SmartSense Motion Sensor battery was 88% true
2016-02-15 8:10:44.397 PM EST
24 minutes ago DEVICE temperature 82 SmartSense Motion Sensor was 82°F true
2016-02-15 8:10:41.883 PM EST
24 minutes ago COMMAND configure configure command was sent to SmartSense Motion Sensor true
2016-02-15 8:10:41.806 PM EST
24 minutes ago DEVICE ENTITY_UPDATE DeviceUpdated false
2016-02-15 8:09:18.403 PM EST
25 minutes ago DEVICE ENTITY_UPDATE DeviceUpdated false
2016-02-15 8:09:16.688 PM EST
25 minutes ago DEVICE ENTITY_UPDATE DeviceUpdated false
2016-02-15 8:08:49.638 PM EST
25 minutes ago DEVICE ENTITY_UPDATE DeviceUpdated false
2016-02-15 8:06:58.336 PM EST
27 minutes ago DEVICE ENTITY_UPDATE DeviceCreated false
It should blink once when it detects motion. It does not continually blink, but should blink again if you wait for it to clear and then move. That’s a lot of battery reports in the log… Does it keep spamming battery reports?
Yes, and the battery went down from 100% battery to 88% in a 2h windows, and even 72% during the previous attempt (you don’t see it in these logs)
Granted I was playing a lot with it, reseting, repairing… but still.
I still have my Iris hub, so I gave a try yesterday night but same result, no motion detection.
I brought it back to Lowe’s this morning and order some new ones online (out of stock at my local Lowe’s)
Needless to say, I’m happy I switched to ST, the new Iris v2 hub is still a mess.
EDIT: Had a new sensor back, works like a charm
Looks like official support is either here, or coming soon:
Installed one on 2/2. Battery is now dead.