[OBSOLETE] Insteon Hub 2244 and 2245 Dimmer and On/Off Plugs/Switches/Bulbs

@millsjq The ip address for your hub should be the local address, so based upon your example that looks correct. Make sure that you specify the port (25105 by default) and use the username and pass from the Insteon app. This is NOT the email and password that you use to login, but inside the app got to Settings->House and its the ‘Hub username’ and ‘Hub password’ at the bottom of the page.

kuestess, Thanks .

I was using the correct port and IP, but wrong username and password. I have edited the hub Device Handler, should there be any edits in the switch handler, I did not see anywhere needed. I must be daft as I still do not have any devices showing, after correcting, saving and publishing the handler should I use the smarthting app “add a Thing” or something else.

Should I have a device in the handler as 3A.A6.2B or AA6C?

@millsjq No need to edit the DTH directly. Easiest way is to use the IDE - after you login, go to the ‘My Devices’ tab and click add new. In the resulting page, select the DTH from the dropdown in the ‘Type’ field. Fill out all of the other required info and click ‘Create’. In the next screen, edit the preferences to add deviceid, username, pass, etc. Save that and you should be good to go.

Scott, Obviously I was way off. I have added a new device, selected hub, and assuming this device if the hub put in the Insteon ID for the hub, selected the DTH for the hub. Then I edited the ip, port, username and password. Then I added a device for the switch, added the Id for the switch etc. Apparently I still missed the boat as I still can see any devices in SmartThings app, believe it should just show up, but have

@millsjq Sounds like you’re doing everything correctly. If the device doesn’t even show up in the app, you might try going to ‘Add a thing’ in the app (at the bottom of ‘Things’) to force it to refresh. Mine usually shows up without doing that, but it sometimes needs a refresh. The device should show up, even if its configured incorrectly.

I am going to re copy the DHL incase I screwed up something when I went in a edited the hub info manually. One additional question when adding a device in the IDE for the Insteon Hub, after I select Insteon hub for the type, in the bub section do I leave blank or select SMARTHINGs from the drop down.

I have put myself in circles. I realize I was using finik DHL not yours, I deleted everything and started over with your Insteon Dimmer switch and Plug, dated 2017-12–30. I used the device ID for the switch on both the added device and when editing the hub info. I now show the device, but it shows always on and will not turnoff and has no effect on the switch. The IDE logs show ( below) show the Command is timing out, so I tried my local and external IP in the URL field in the edited portion of the add device.

Should I be using a different DHL version and start again, I am obviously over my head on this but keep thinking I am one edit away from success and then trying another.

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:09:28 AM: error org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out @line 163 (getStatus)

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:09:18 AM: debug [uri:http://user:pass@]

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:09:18 AM: debug Polling…

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:09:18 AM: debug [uri:http://user:pass@]

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:09:18 AM: debug Polling…

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:09:08 AM: error org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [/] failed: connect timed out @line 125 (sendCmd)

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:08:58 AM: debug Sending Command

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:08:58 AM: debug Turning device OFF

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:08:58 AM: debug Sending Command

2b701312-f08d-45f3-b761-c74468a52979 10:08:58 AM: debug Turning device OFF

10:07:46 AM: info Waiting on events…

10:07:46 AM: info For past logs for individual things go to the My Devices section, find the device and click on the Events link on the device information page.

10:07:46 AM: info This console provides live logging of your SmartThings.

@millsjq You may want to edit the last post as it has your hub user/pass in it :slight_smile:. It looks like the DTH is working, but not connecting to the hub for some reason. To figure out what the problem is, paste the commands below into a terminal window (sub in your user/pass). It should give you an error message indicating what the issue is. If these work ok, then we need to look elsewhere.

Turn on:

Turn off:

Scott, Thanks again. I inserted my hub name and password to match the app, and I get, no match.

Tried resetting the Insteon Hub, now with different local IP. No dice, changed my hub name and password and still get no match.

I went into IDE and changed the device to match the new IP, etc. the thing in ST stays as “on” but on a curious note when I did this my Insteon app would not work, with message that something was wrong. I went to the device and put in a bogus (the old IP) the Insteon app resumed working. Something must be happing but beyond my technical ability.

@kuestess My Insteon switches are no longer reporting their status to smart things when toggled manually.

If I switch the light on from the smart things app it turns on. If I switch on the light manually the smart things app does not register a change, even after manual refresh and waiting some time.

Thanks for your help!

@supervsn Can you post the output from your log for one of the devices that is having the issue? Did it just start?

I will say that I too, am unable to get external status changes (like actually using the Insteon keypad), to be reflected in SmartThings. Watching the hub’s buffer via curl statements shows that the 1900 request is never actually being made to the Insteon Hub, either by poll(), ping() or by refresh().

I’d be comfortable enough with trying to troubleshoot/improve this on my own, but I have been unable to get live logging to actually function for me.

i’m so lost and have spent more days then i care to share trying to get this to work lol…ok i got port forwarding on got the handler, got a device …it shows up on, on the app i click it off it stays on. but at the physical light nothing happens…i’m using the hub log in and the correct ip no errors that i can find …i’m just stumped any help will be appreciated!!!

@David_Benvenuto You shouldn’t have to mess with port forwarding. For the IP address, you can use the internal address of your Insteon hub. Make sure that you are using the correct port from the Insteon app and that your device ID doesn’t include the periods. For the user/pass, you should be using the Hub user/pass (Settings->House->Hub Username [Hub Password]) and not the one that you use to log into the app. Check those things and see if that helps.

yup i know all my info is correct , when i input it into the this url it does trigger the switch


can you send me the most update to date or known working smart app and handler code. i’ve been playing with afew just out of frustration i got one right now that gives me the option to log into inseon but just sits thinking at the smart things simulator forever…i have to believe its something i’m doing wrong in which code i’m using

If that works, then your settings should be correct. Make sure that you’re using one of these DTHs:


and not the one that uses the API (which is nice, but will only work if you have an API key).

now it shows its blacklisted? …i can copy and paste that exact line and get my switch to turn off
any ideas?

also i didn’t know we could do it with a API… my undering standing on that is its basically a USB key you can plug into the smartthings hub. is that correct? any advantages or added features i might just order one if it would solve my problem

i think i was thinking on PLM … but has anyone ever ran across the blacklist error

@David_Benvenuto I have never seen the blacklist error before…certainly a new one. Looks like the URL is correct - something must have changed on the SmartThings end. Let m do some testing.

The API is the cloud REST API used by the 2245 hub. You can use that if you happen to have an API key from Insteon - not physical hardware, just developer access. I managed to get one, but they are stingy and don’t seem to be providing them anymore.

@David_Benvenuto Finally got around to doing some testing…try changing the IP to your external IP. Apparently something has changed on the Smartthings side as I want to remember that internal IPs worked before. I think that will solve your issue.