[OBSOLETE] HomeSeer HS-WD100+ and more (Simple DTH in post 27, advanced feature DTH in post 32)

I received the switches yesterday and had a little time to put together an initiall device handler for the On/Off switch.

Here is the beta: HomeSeer HS-WS100+ Device Handler

Thanks to @JDRoberts, I had some of the prep code for the central scene notification in before I even received the switches. Since I was already specifically logging the sceneNumber and keyAttributes for the scene notifications, it was a simple matter to determine the values for all of the states. The DH handles both tap-2 and tap-3 for both the up and down cases, as well as the hold-up and hold-down cases. It also receives and handles a scene notification for a normal press up and press down.

The device handler adds a total of 6 buttons to handle all the tap 2/3 and hold-up/down cases. I put in virtual buttons for all the possible press states for testing. Maybe they’ll also come in handy for operational use?

Please let me know of any issues so far. Any and all suggestions or updates welcome.

Interestingly, the HomeSeer WS100+ looks and feels almost identical to the GE 12722, except for a lighter blue LED and lack of an air-gap switch on the WS100+. The WS100+ also has the same (annoying for some) short delay before the physical relay responds after a press.

I put together tables showing the button mappings, central scene notification parameters, and some comparison images with the GE 12722 at: http://darwinsden.com/homeseer100plus/