[OBSOLETE] Four button Tuya Zigbee device DTH (DTH link in post #7) (Same device from multiple brands: Zemismart, Yagusmart, Losonho , DYHF, etc)

Can anyone please try this device andler mine does not do anything but its made for the new switch.


  • Copyright 2015 SmartThings
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except
  • in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  •  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
  • on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  • for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  • Test DH based on “Zemismart Button”, namespace: “SangBoy”, author: “YooSangBeom”
  • rev 1.0 2021-05-08 kkossev


metadata {
definition (name: “Powered by Tuya TS004F”, namespace: “smartthings”, author: “kkossev”, ocfDeviceType: “x.com.st.d.remotecontroller”, mcdSync: true, runLocally: true, minHubCoreVersion: ‘000.019.00012’, executeCommandsLocally: true, genericHandler: “Zigbee”) {
capability “Refresh”
capability “Button”
capability “Health Check”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000”, outClusters: “0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_xabckq1v”, model: “TS004F”, deviceJoinName: “Powered by Tuya 4 Button TS004F”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”

// Parse incoming device messages to generate events
def parse(String description) {
log.debug “description is $description”
def event = zigbee.getEvent(description)
def result =
def buttonNumber = 0
if (event) {
log.debug “sendEvent $event”
if (description?.startsWith(“catchall:”)) {
def descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
log.debug “descMap: $descMap”
if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == “00” ) {
buttonNumber = 1
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == “01” ) {
buttonNumber = 2
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0008 && descMap.data[0] == “00” ) {
buttonNumber = 3
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0008 && descMap.data[0] == “01” ) {
buttonNumber = 4
if (buttonNumber !=0) {
def buttonState = “pushed”
def descriptionText = “button $buttonNumber was $buttonState”
event = [name: “button”, value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, displayed: true]
log.info “result: $event”
if (event) {
log.debug “Creating event: ${event}”
result = createEvent(event)
} else {
log.warn “DID NOT PARSE MESSAGE for description : $description”
log.debug zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
return result


  • PING is used by Device-Watch in attempt to reach the Device
  • */
    def ping() {
    return refresh()

def refresh() {
zigbee.onOffRefresh() + zigbee.onOffConfig()

def configure() {
// Device-Watch allows 2 check-in misses from device + ping (plus 2 min lag time)
sendEvent(name: “checkInterval”, value: 2 * 10 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: “zigbee”, hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])
log.debug “Configuring Reporting and Bindings.”
zigbee.onOffRefresh() + zigbee.onOffConfig()

def installed()
def numberOfButtons = 4
sendEvent(name: “supportedButtonValues”, value: [“pushed” /,“held”,“double”/].encodeAsJSON(), displayed: false)
sendEvent(name: “numberOfButtons”, value: numberOfButtons , displayed: false)
// Initialize default states
sendEvent(name: “button”, value: “pushed”, data: [buttonNumber: it+1], displayed: false)
// These devices don’t report regularly so they should only go OFFLINE when Hub is OFFLINE
sendEvent(name: “DeviceWatch-Enroll”, value: JsonOutput.toJson([protocol: “zigbee”, scheme:“untracked”]), displayed: false)

def updated()
log.debug “updated()”

The code has been updated to include TS004F.
ST now finds the device and let’s you assign roles to the buttons.
Unfortunately the buttons don’t do anything when pressed.
Here is a linked to the updated code (version 1.4).

1 Like

Yes I asked him to update but it looks like he just tried to put bad code in the original without testing and closed topic… I told him it didn’t work but no answer yet.

An new issue is started you can follow here for updates and hopefully the solution!


the device handler works!

okay not fully but the 1 button press works.

smarthings wont register any action until one of the buttons has a use. so just give one button a purpose and then it will show registration.

I’m struggling to get it to work. What exactly do you do?
Add the device handler exactly as it is v1.4.
I go on ST, find devices nearby.
Find Tuya button.
Assign what each button does.
But it doesn’t do anything still when I press the button.

Hmm can you go in IDE to devices - > the new learned button - > list events. What is shown there?

“No events found matching this criteria”

And you deleted the device and added it again

Yes I did.
Can you tell me the exact list of things you did? In case I’m missing a step…

  • Deleted the device handler and deleted the device
  • Made a new device handler and put the new code in.
  • relearned the tuya button in Smartthings
  • put an action in button 1 (simple turn on light).
  • press button and it works.

Also I saw an fault in the code but for me it looked like it worked either way.

The outcluster for the TS004F has a comma and a space after the last outcluster just edit it like the rest.

No, annoyingly after following all these steps, no success.
What ST hub are you using v2 or v3?

I’m using v3 don’t have a v2 to test with

OK I’m using v2 hub and the Smartthings (not classic) app. Not sure where the issue lies for me.

Did it work for you?

I can’t test it but maybe someone here can tell if it works for them or not with the older hubs

Did the first one work for you? The TS0044

I never had the TS0044. This is such a big issue in general for the smart home industry. No standardisation!!!

Jup even with this new code it only gives 1 button action and when ide will be eliminated I don’t know what will come for these handlers then…

Last attempt for me-
Can you please put the exact code in your device handler on this thread so I can copy and paste it?


  • Zemismart Button V1.4
  • Copyright 2020 YSB
  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except
  • in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  •  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
  • on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  • for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import physicalgraph.zigbee.clusters.iaszone.ZoneStatus
import physicalgraph.zigbee.zcl.DataType

definition (name: “Zemismart Button”, namespace: “SangBoy”, author: “YooSangBeom”, ocfDeviceType: “x.com.st.d.remotecontroller”, mcdSync: true)
capability “Actuator”
//capability “Battery”
capability “Button”
capability “Holdable Button”
capability “Refresh”
capability “Sensor”
capability “Health Check”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019, 000A”, manufacturer: “_TZ3400_keyjqthh”, model: “TS0041”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-2-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019, 000A”, manufacturer: “_TZ3400_tk3s5tyg”, model: “TS0041”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-2-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019”, manufacturer: “_TYZB02_keyjhapk”, model: “TS0042”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 2 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-2-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019”, manufacturer: “_TZ3400_keyjhapk”, model: “TS0042”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 2 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-2-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019, 000A”, manufacturer: “_TZ3400_key8kk7r”, model: “TS0043”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 3 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019”, manufacturer: “_TYZB02_key8kk7r”, model: “TS0043”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 3 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019, 000A”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_qzjcsmar”, model: “TS0043”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 3 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 000A, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_rrjr1q0u”, model: “TS0043”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 3 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 000A, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_bi6lpsew”, model: “TS0043”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 3 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_a7ouggvs”, model: “TS0043”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 3 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
//fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 000A, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_vp6clf9d”, model: “TS0044”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019, 000A”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_vp6clf9d”, model: “TS0044”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 4 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019, 000A”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_dku2cfsc”, model: “TS0044”, deviceJoinName: “Zemismart 4 Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”
fingerprint inClusters: “0000, 0001, 0006”, outClusters: “0019, 000A”, manufacturer: “_TZ3000_xabckq1v”, model: “TS004F”, deviceJoinName: “Tuya Button”, mnmn: “SmartThings”, vid: “generic-4-button”

   fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0001, 0006", outClusters: "0019, 000A", manufacturer: "_TYZB01_cnlmkhbk", model: "TS0044", deviceJoinName: "Hejhome Smart Button", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button"	   


tiles(scale: 2)
multiAttributeTile(name: “button”, type: “generic”, width: 2, height: 2)
tileAttribute(“device.button”, key: “PRIMARY_CONTROL”)
attributeState “pushed”, label: “Pressed”, icon:“st.Weather.weather14”, backgroundColor:"#53a7c0"
attributeState “double”, label: “Pressed Twice”, icon:“st.Weather.weather11”, backgroundColor:"#53a7c0"
attributeState “held”, label: “Held”, icon:“st.Weather.weather13”, backgroundColor:"#53a7c0"
valueTile(“battery”, “device.battery”, decoration: “flat”, inactiveLabel: false, width: 2, height: 2)
state “battery”, label: ‘${currentValue}% battery’, unit: “”
standardTile(“refresh”, “device.refresh”, inactiveLabel: false, decoration: “flat”, width: 2, height: 2)
state “default”, action: “refresh.refresh”, icon: “st.secondary.refresh”

  details(["button","battery", "refresh"])


private getAttrid_Battery() { 0x0020 } //
private getCLUSTER_GROUPS() { 0x0004 }
private getCLUSTER_SCENES() { 0x0005 }
private getCLUSTER_WINDOW_COVERING() { 0x0102 }

private boolean isZemismart1gang()
device.getDataValue(“model”) == “TS0041”

private boolean isZemismart2gang()
device.getDataValue(“model”) == “TS0042”

private boolean isZemismart3gang()
device.getDataValue(“model”) == “TS0043”

private boolean isZemismart4gang()
device.getDataValue(“model”) == “TS0044”
private boolean isZemismart4gang_1()
device.getDataValue(“model”) == “TS004F”

private Map getBatteryEvent(value)
def result = [:]
//result.value = value
//Always value 0
result.value = 100
result.name = ‘battery’
result.descriptionText = “${device.displayName} battery was ${result.value}%”
return result

private channelNumber(String dni)
dni.split(":")[-1] as Integer

def parse(String description)
log.debug “description is $description”
def event = zigbee.getEvent(description)

if (event) //non-standard
log.debug “sendEvent $event”
if ((description?.startsWith(“catchall:”)) || (description?.startsWith(“read attr -”)))
def descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0001 && descMap.attrInt == getAttrid_Battery())
event = getBatteryEvent(zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.value))
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006)
event = parseNonIasButtonMessage(descMap)
if (descMap.clusterInt == zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER && descMap.attrInt == getAttrid_Battery())
event = getBatteryEvent(zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.value))
//if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006)
event = parseNonIasButtonMessage(descMap)
// }

  def result = []
  if (event) 
     log.debug "Creating event: ${event}"
     result = createEvent(event)
  else if (isBindingTableMessage(description))         
     Integer groupAddr = getGroupAddrFromBindingTable(description)
     if (groupAddr != null) 
        List cmds = addHubToGroup(groupAddr)
        result = cmds?.collect 
           new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(it) 
        groupAddr = 0x0000
        List cmds = addHubToGroup(groupAddr) +
        zigbee.command(CLUSTER_GROUPS, 0x00, "${zigbee.swapEndianHex(zigbee.convertToHexString(groupAddr, 4))} 00")
        result = cmds?.collect 
           new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(it) 
  return result

log.debug “allevent $event”
private Map getBatteryResult(rawValue)
log.debug “getBatteryResult”
log.debug ‘Battery’
def linkText = getLinkText(device)

def result = [:]

def volts = rawValue / 10
if(!(rawValue == 0 || rawValue == 255)) 
   def minVolts = 2.1
   def maxVolts = 3.0
   def pct = (volts - minVolts) / (maxVolts - minVolts)
   def roundedPct = Math.round(pct * 100)
   if(roundedPct <=0)
      roundedPct = 1
   result.value = Math.min(100, roundedPct)
   result.descriptionText = "${linkText} battery was ${result.value}%"
   result.name = 'battery'

def getBatteryPercentageResult(rawValue)
log.debug “attrInt == 0x0021 : getBatteryPercentageResult”
log.debug “Battery Percentage rawValue = ${rawValue} → ${rawValue /2}%”
def result = [:]

if(0<= rawValue && rawValue <=200)
result.name = ‘battery’
result.translatble = true
result.value = Math.round(rawValue/2)
result.descriptionText = “${device.displayName} battery was ${result.value}%”
return result
private Map parseNonIasButtonMessage(Map descMap)
def buttonState
def buttonNumber = 0
Map result = [:]

if(device.getDataValue(“model”) == “TS004F”)
buttonState = “pushed”
//log.debug “data $descMap.data”
//log.debug “clusterint $descMap.clusterInt”
//log.debug “commandInt $descMap.commandInt”
//log.debug “attrInt $descMap.attrInt”
//1 -clusterint 6 commandInt 1
//3 -clusterint 6 commandInt 0
//2 -clusterint 8 data[0]==00
//4 -clusterint 8 data[0]==01
if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006)
if(descMap.commandInt == 1) //button 1 push
buttonNumber = 1
else if(descMap.commandInt == 0)//button 3 push
buttonNumber = 3
else if(descMap.clusterInt == 0x0008)
if(descMap.data[0] == “00”) //button 2 push
buttonNumber = 2
else if(descMap.data[0] == “01”)//button 4 push
buttonNumber = 4

  if (buttonNumber !=0) 
     def descriptionText = "button $buttonNumber was $buttonState"
     result = [name: "button", value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true]
     sendButtonEvent(buttonNumber, buttonState)         //return createEvent(name: "button$buttonNumber", value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true)

if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006)
case “01”:
buttonNumber = 1
case “02”:
buttonNumber = 2
case “03”:
buttonNumber = 3
case “04”:
buttonNumber = 4
case “[00]”:
buttonState = “pushed”
case “[01]”:
buttonState = “double”
case “[02]”:
buttonState = “held”
if (buttonNumber !=0)
def descriptionText = “button $buttonNumber was $buttonState”
result = [name: “button”, value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true]
sendButtonEvent(buttonNumber, buttonState)
//return createEvent(name: “button$buttonNumber”, value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true)

private sendButtonEvent(buttonNumber, buttonState)
def child = childDevices?.find { channelNumber(it.deviceNetworkId) == buttonNumber }
if (child)
def descriptionText = “$child.displayName was $buttonState” // TODO: Verify if this is needed, and if capability template already has it handled
log.debug “child $child”
child?.sendEvent([name: “button”, value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: 1], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true])
log.debug “Child device $buttonNumber not found!”

def refresh()
//log.debug “Refreshing Battery”
//return zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, getAttrid_Battery())

def configure()
log.debug “Configuring Reporting, IAS CIE, and Bindings.”
def cmds =

return //zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, getAttrid_Battery(), DataType.UINT8, 30, 21600, 0x01) +
       zigbee.enrollResponse() +
       //zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, getAttrid_Battery()) +
       //zigbee.addBinding(zigbee.ONOFF_CLUSTER) +
       readDeviceBindingTable() // Need to read the binding table to see what group it's using            


private getButtonName(buttonNum)
return "${device.displayName} " + buttonNum

private void createChildButtonDevices(numberOfButtons)
state.oldLabel = device.label
log.debug “Creating $numberOfButtons”
log.debug “Creating $numberOfButtons children”

for (i in 1…numberOfButtons)
log.debug “Creating child $i”
def child = addChildDevice(“smartthings”, “Child Button”, “${device.deviceNetworkId}:${i}”, device.hubId,[completedSetup: true, label: getButtonName(i),
isComponent: true, componentName: “button$i”, componentLabel: “buttton ${i}”])
child.sendEvent(name: “supportedButtonValues”,value: [“pushed”,“held”,“double”].encodeAsJSON(), displayed: false)
child.sendEvent(name: “numberOfButtons”, value: 1, displayed: false)
child.sendEvent(name: “button”, value: “pushed”, data: [buttonNumber: 1], displayed: false)
private void createChildButtonDevices_1(numberOfButtons)
state.oldLabel = device.label
log.debug “Creating $numberOfButtons”
log.debug “Creating $numberOfButtons children”

for (i in 1…numberOfButtons)
log.debug “Creating child $i”
def child = addChildDevice(“smartthings”, “Child Button”, “${device.deviceNetworkId}:${i}”, device.hubId,[completedSetup: true, label: getButtonName(i),
isComponent: true, componentName: “button$i”, componentLabel: “buttton ${i}”])
child.sendEvent(name: “supportedButtonValues”,value: [“pushed”].encodeAsJSON(), displayed: false)
child.sendEvent(name: “numberOfButtons”, value: 1, displayed: false)
child.sendEvent(name: “button”, value: “pushed”, data: [buttonNumber: 1], displayed: false)
def installed()
def numberOfButtons
if (isZemismart1gang())
numberOfButtons = 1
else if (isZemismart2gang())
numberOfButtons = 2
else if (isZemismart3gang())
numberOfButtons = 3
else if (isZemismart4gang())
numberOfButtons = 4
else if (isZemismart4gang_1())
numberOfButtons = 4

if(device.getDataValue("model") == "TS004F")
    createChildButtonDevices_1(numberOfButtons) //
    sendEvent(name: "supportedButtonValues", value: ["pushed"].encodeAsJSON(), displayed: false)
    createChildButtonDevices(numberOfButtons) //Todo
    sendEvent(name: "supportedButtonValues", value: ["pushed","held","double"].encodeAsJSON(), displayed: false)
sendEvent(name: "numberOfButtons", value: numberOfButtons , displayed: false)
//sendEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", data: [buttonNumber: 1], displayed: false)
// Initialize default states
    sendEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", data: [buttonNumber: it+1], displayed: false)
// These devices don't report regularly so they should only go OFFLINE when Hub is OFFLINE
sendEvent(name: "DeviceWatch-Enroll", value: JsonOutput.toJson([protocol: "zigbee", scheme:"untracked"]), displayed: false)    


def updated()
log.debug “childDevices $childDevices”
if (childDevices && device.label != state.oldLabel)
def newLabel = getButtonName(channelNumber(it.deviceNetworkId))
state.oldLabel = device.label

private Integer getGroupAddrFromBindingTable(description)
log.info “Parsing binding table - ‘$description’”
def btr = zigbee.parseBindingTableResponse(description)
def groupEntry = btr?.table_entries?.find { it.dstAddrMode == 1 }
if (groupEntry != null)
log.info “Found group binding in the binding table: ${groupEntry}”
Integer.parseInt(groupEntry.dstAddr, 16)
log.info “The binding table does not contain a group binding”

private List addHubToGroup(Integer groupAddr)
[“st cmd 0x0000 0x01 ${CLUSTER_GROUPS} 0x00 {${zigbee.swapEndianHex(zigbee.convertToHexString(groupAddr,4))} 00}”,“delay 200”]

private List readDeviceBindingTable()
[“zdo mgmt-bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0”,“delay 200”]