[OBSOLETE] Foscam Camera Device Handler Universal DTH with Motion Detection - SD (FI89xx), HD Ambarella FI98xx, FI99xx, Cx, Gx, Rx, Ex, Zx, Fosbaby

Im having the same issue with my FI-9800P, everything works but the video stream.

I can’t get it to play in the VLC with the url provided but am on a Mac. I have not changed the port for the video as through the standard tool I can’t only change the standard camera port of 80 which I have as I have another camera using that port. I am also unable to log into the camera web admin and have an open message to Foscam but they don’t respond… This may be the last Foscam I buy.

It’s possible you just have a bad camera or a network configuration issue. Also make sure you’re on the latest camera firmware. First get it working with VLC then try to debug ST.

SHM doesn’t allow for third party video integration as yet. Been a request to ST, someday :slight_smile:

See this post on Foscam website. I think you should try the MJPEG mode. http://foscam.us/forum/foscam-fi9803p-v2-cannot-get-hd-mjpeg-stream-via-http-t13831.html

See this post I posted above on how to try different stream modes, if that still doesn’t work then likely your camera/firmware is the issue.

Gotcha. I missed that part. Thanks for the fast reply.

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I am having a couple issues that I am hoping I can get some help with. I tried searching to see if anyone else had similar issues, but I can’t find a solution. Here are the 2 issues that I am having:

  1. I can get my Foscam C1 to connect with the SmartApp fine. The video does work, but only when I am not on my own local wifi. As soon as I am off of it (on another wifi network or cellular) it works fine and I get the live feed in the app. Any ideas why or how to fix?

  2. The video window and layout of the SmartApp seem to be messed up. I am seeing the window below the button, but above the control and a blank section at the top. (see screenshot). Any idea how to fix this? I didn’t mess with the code at all, it is copied directly from Rboy’s site.


  1. I’m assuming you’re using an external DNS to connect to your camera which it back into your router. In such a setup the most likely reason an internal lan device cannot reach the router through the external IP/DNS is due to lack of loopback communications. You need to enable loopback in your router and it should fix your problem. Most OpenSource based routers have this feature. If your router doesn’t have this feature then you may need to find a way to enable it or change your router.
  2. The layout is fine the “blank” on top is the last image that was captured by the camera. When you press the “take” button the image will show up there. Unfortunately there’s no way to change what it shows and hence its blank when there’s nothing to show.

Ok, I will check the DNS stuff. I am using the Arris Xfinity router, so I doubt it is open source. You know Comcast wants to control that.

As for the app layout, thanks for the explanation. 2 questions, are you saying there is no way to switch the video to the top and the image to the bottom space? Also, is it possible for me to edit a bit of the code to to simply not show the PTZ controls since I don’t have a PTZ camera?


Yes you can switch it very easily. I had outlined the steps some time ago in a post. Essentially you look at the line the code that says “details” and switch the positions of the camera and video tiles in the line. Viola.

For the Comcast problem yes Comcast routers dont support loopback. The solution is to place the Comcast router in pass through mode and then put your own router (eg running DDWRT or Tomato) that supports loopback behind it.

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Can you tell me who you set this up?

'@RBoy What is this failure that occurs when I click the “OFF” button when viewing My Home -> Things:

9:37:16 PM: info Polled: Flip status 0
9:37:16 PM: info Polled: Mirror status 0
9:37:16 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
9:37:16 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://myIp:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=myUser&pwd=notrealpassword%21&cmd=getMirrorAndFlipSetting
9:37:16 PM: trace ledStatus autoOn
9:37:15 PM: trace IPAddress myIp is a public IP Address
9:37:16 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=myIp
9:37:15 PM: info Polled: LED On
9:37:15 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
9:37:15 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://myIp:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=myUser&pwd=notrealpassword&cmd=getInfraLedConfig
9:37:15 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://myIp:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=myUser&pwd=notrealpassword&cmd=getDevState
9:37:15 PM: trace IPAddress myIp is a public IP Address
9:37:15 PM: info Polled: Motion Alarm Off
9:37:15 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=myIp
9:37:15 PM: trace Poll called
9:37:15 PM: error Camera responded with result -3 -> Access denied
9:37:15 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
9:37:15 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=myIp
9:37:15 PM: trace IPAddress myIp is a public IP Address
9:37:15 PM: trace Trigger/ReArm internal is 15s
9:37:15 PM: trace Snap interval value is 10
9:37:15 PM: trace Motion alarm config value 0
9:37:15 PM: trace Motion value is 4
9:37:15 PM: trace Motion Level is Lowest
9:37:15 PM: debug Enabling Alarm
9:37:15 PM: debug Toggling Alarm

Odd never seen that before, can’t say why the camera is rejecting the request. Try rebooting the camera.

I have modified the code for the same exact thing your asking. I moved the image and video areas, and removed the buttons for PTZ.

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That’s exactly what I wanted to do. Do you mind sharing that with me privately or just telling me the lines of code to move around? I don’t know how to code, but I am ok following instructions.


@RBoy 'm having an issue whereas my camera’s Mirror and Flip setting is getting reset. I thought it was the Foscam firmware but i’m now suspecting the DH. When i press the Pre- it unchecks the Mirror and Flip settings (i’m logged into the camera via IP as i’m doing it).

I removed the device and re-added it but still the same thing. I’m not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

From live logging:

e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:40 PM: info Polled: Flip status 0
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:40 PM: info Polled: Mirror status 0
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:40 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://##############################/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=############25&cmd=getMirrorAndFlipSetting
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: trace IPAddress ##################### is a public IP Address
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://########################/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=##############25&cmd=flipVideo&isFlip=0
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: info Polled: Flip status 1
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=#####################
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: info Polled: Mirror status 0
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: debug Disabling video flipping
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace IPAddress ##################### is a public IP Address
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:39 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://##########################/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=#######################25&cmd=mirrorVideo&isMirror=0
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://############################/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=####################25&cmd=getMirrorAndFlipSetting
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=###################
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: info Polled: Mirror status 1
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace IPAddress################ is a public IP Address
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://#######################/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=###################25&cmd=getMirrorAndFlipSetting
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=####################
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: debug Disabling video mirroring
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace IPAddress ############### is a public IP Address
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: info Polled: Flip status 1
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace ledStatus off
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: info Polled: LED Mode Manual
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> ##################### /cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=########################25&cmd=getInfraLedConfig
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace IPAddress ###################### is a public IP Address
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: info Polled: Motion Alarm On
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: info Polled: LED Off
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=##################
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> ##################### /cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=#######################25&cmd=getDevState
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace IPAddress ############## is a public IP Address
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Poll called
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=###############
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Received response from camera to httpGet, headers=text/plain, status=200
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Sending httpGet command -> http://###########################/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?usr=Foscam&pwd=######################25&cmd=ptzGotoPresetPoint&name=preset2
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace IPAddress ################ is a public IP Address
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: trace Using cached IPAddress=#######################
e01c06b1-10f6-4493-8557-92044e1447c9 2:51:38 PM: debug Preset 2 Selected - preset2
2:51:36 PM: info Waiting on events…
2:51:36 PM: info For past logs for individual things go to the My Devices section, find the device and click on the Events link on the device information page.
2:51:36 PM: info This console provides live logging of your SmartThings.

Check your device preferences, the DH is just using what’s being reported by ST in the device preferences. If your preferences aren’t saving it properly then this could happen. It happened to me yesterday while setting up a new camera. But for me, it fixed itself after a few tries and saved it properly. If it isn’t saving it properly you may need to contact ST support, something may be getting messed up with the state variable or your account.

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The camera is working for still pics, but still unable to get live video (Im not able to ge the live video for my link either though). I am trying to use the app to snap pictures at least for motion but getting error when saving the changes in the app Fail to save page: mainPage. The camera is useless without this application working…

###Foscam Camera Universal Device Handler - version 3.3.0

  • Improved UI layout highlighting the video player based on user feedback
  • Added support for sound detection in addition to motion detection (please note it is VERY sensitive so use with caution)

###Foscam Motion Alarm Monitor SmartApp - version 2.6.6

  • Notify users if they have “forgotten” to enable OAuth leading to fail to save page messages

Rboy, thanks for all your work, I am new to SmartThings and this community is wonderful for helping a novice like me get everything working.

With the foscam device handler is there a way to change font size or something? I am attaching a screenshot. I am using an LG V10 phone. I know what all the buttons do but my C.D.O. (thats O.C.D. in alphabetical order) makes me want the button fonts to fit :slight_smile:

Any help appreciated,
Keep up the great work!

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