Nice work Eric! Very quick to update, including power/energy reporting in the child apps.
Nice work Eric! Very quick to update, including power/energy reporting in the child apps.
Hi Eric
I had your previous Version of the device handler installed and it always showed both of the two switches. Then I added the virtual device handler to be able to toggle only one of the switches instead of both from the main interface. Now I updated to your last version and I only see one switch in the app and I can not install any virtual device handlers anymore. It seams my Smartthings Hub does not detect the second switch of the double relay switch.
Could you please tell me how I can fix this?
Thank you very much and kind regards from Switzerland
Seems I figured it out. Had to change to a different device handler and then back to this one. Now I see both switches in the main list as well as in the details of the device…
Thank you Eric for another great DTH.
Edit: actually just updating it on the web interface is sufficient…
Yep, the “updated()” method just needs to run. This can be done a couple of ways, but the easiest is to just click on the little gear icon in the app and then by hitting “done”. If you were using the Virtual Device Sync app before, you technically don’t need it installed anymore to control both endpoints.
Hey Guys
I’ve been using the new 223 for about a month without any issues and also a 213 (only using S1) on the same 223 device handler. Major thumbs up on the effort put into the DH’s!!
This weekend I installed another 213 which will be using both the S1 and S2 to control the same set of lights (seeing as it’s the Single 213 Switch). I managed to get it all set up, both the HW and SW, and managed to get everything but S2 to turn the lights on. S1 works fine, I get the status, the monitor reports and the update in the ST app however, S2 I can get a status update in the app when turning on from the switch and app but the lights won’t turn on.
I’m running the 213 off the 223 HD using Android, all settings/params are defaults. Logs when switching S2 shows the switch being triggered.
If anyone can hep it would be greatly appreciated. Originally I added the device via toggling S1 and not the button on the module, so I’m just wondering if this could be down to the module.
One suggestion (if possible) for the DH is to have a toggle between Single & Double Switches so various unused parameters and tiles are removed from the Single Switch UI.
I had a similar issue with the 2 dual switches. I was unable to figure out how they end up doing this, but I had to turn of the power at the mains to get them working. It is almost as if the ends up in a state with the second relay always on or off and not responding to commands. If I’m not mistaken, I had to reset one of mine to factory default before it would start working again. This was a month ago and since then, it has been working fine.
This handler actually wasn’t written for 213, but I could easily adapt it for it. Unfortunately, a toggle switch to change between the two layouts isn’t possible with SmartThings right now so it would have to be a separate handler. As for the second switch, this is from the manual:
“The switch connected to the S2 terminal turns on/of the second load in Double Switch 2, but is optional in Single Switch 2 and pushing it will not affect the status of the device.”
This surprises me as I thought I read that the S2 terminal could be used in a 3-way configuration with a 2nd switch. Maybe that was the Qubino. According to that it seems that S2 (on the FGS-213) is meant for associations and sending scene reports, but not for controlling the load of the light.
Any chance of you working the same magic with the handler for the FGS-222? I still have your sync app running on that and it would be nice if it were the sam as the 223.
Thanks Eric for solving this one! I’m very surprised too as I would have also expected S2 to switch the load on the channel. It looks like I have to rewire the setup using S1 so I can get both switches to toggle the load, although that can wait till the weekend Maybe retractable switches rather than toggle switches will make things a bit simpler.
Hi, Eric I have an Fibaro FGS-223 connected to a switch be side the front door at my home.
I would like to be able when I leave the house to press 3 times on the momentary wallswitch and then all the lights should go off.
In the settings for the switch is an option “Send scene ID on tripple press” some one pointed out to use CoRE to translate that into actions.
Some one pointed out this instruction to resolve the matter: [RELEASE] Fibaro Dimmer 2 (FGD-212) - Advanced DTH (V2)
But there they are using a different DH for Fibaro dimmer not Double Switch. But I was trying to mimic the instruction but always got stuck because I cant find any SceneID attribute in your DH.
Is there any way to do this using your DH.
Best regard
Þorgeir Valur
It is actually much simpler than that. Personally I would just use the built in SmartThings app “Smart Lighting”. Set up a Smart Lighting rule to turn off all the lights you select when a “Button” is pressed. The device (in the bottom of where you set all of the preferences) there is a “button mapping” list. Find the button and event that you want and it will tell you what to put into Smart Lighting. For example, if your switch is momentary and you want it to respond on a triple click then you would tell Smart Lighting to activate when button 5 is pushed.
Here is the list for quick reference:
Toggle Mode
1 pushed - S1 1x toggle
4 pushed - S1 2x toggle
5 pushed - S1 3x toggle
1 held - S2 1x toggle
4 held - S2 2x toggle
5 held - S2 3x toggle
Momentary Mode
1 pushed - S1 1x click
2 pushed - S1 release
3 pushed - S1 hold
4 pushed - S1 2x click
5 pushed - S1 3x click
1 held - S2 1x click
2 held - S2 release
3 held - S2 hold
4 held - S2 2x click
5 held - S2 3x click
Have you perhaps adapted your driver for the 213? For some reason, I can’t get my 213’s to play with @anon36505037’s DH. Don’t know if mine have older (or newer) firmware which could be causing the problem.
Hi Eric,
When you update to your latest handler and remove your virtual sync app, can you also the three simulated switch device handlers, or are they still needed?
Hi Eric, this sounds to easy to be true, so I tried it out.
All worked grate, so I tried again then it turned all the lights back on, which I was not looking for.
Attached you can see screenshot of my Smart Lighting configuration.
Do you have any idea how to only have it turn the lights of, not on again.
Best Regards
Þorgeir Valur - Iceland
Yeah, just disable the option in Smart Lighting to “Toggle on & off”.
Demm, stupid me. I thought this was to turn the SmartLight setting on and off, if you would like to disable it, but not delete it.
But thanx a bunch
Eric, you are a legend.
I’m happy to have two separate switches controllable now, and I think my wife would marry you for facilitating the toggle (switch change) feature! The state matching was driving her mad as we have two-way switches.
Thank you.
I am a novice, trying to use Erocm 1231 handler and have a Fibaro 223 working with Samsung Smarthings. ( last version of the 2 handlers I found is from March 26.) It creates the 2 switches, but if I try to operate S1 the virtual button on the phone screen states TURNINGON, and the switch doesn’t operate . Electrical connection are ok ( it works with a physical momentary button) , the unit is paired , I can’t see the power usage either ( with the lamp on through the physical button). I got the feeling reading the thread that a more recent version of the handler exist, but I couldn’t find it. Need help, thanks !!
UPDATE : I shut off the HUB and start it again, now it looks like I have full functionality wit the switch !
NEW UPDATE : trying to add another Fibaro 223, going into the same problems than fist time : can’t manage the switch, it looks like i takes a different handler than the first one ! Still need HELP thanks
Hmm, strange, the handler should work with both. After making sure that my handler is in use by both devices, try hitting the “configure” button in the SmartThings app. If it still isn’t working, try again but watch what shows up in the logs when you hit “configure”.
Thanks ! I will try tonight. Meanwhile what happen is , the first switch is ok, the second one seems to take a different version of the handler, (probably the older one, but now I have only the last copy in my system , it doesn’t show the power meters , and don’t operate on-off) . Despite all my efforts, still I can’t have the same options with both.