I have also only been able to get it to work with a single button click, using Button Controller. Though the product description says it supports hold and double press, the simulator logs do not show any difference in the commands the button actually sends out for these events, so I’m not sure how they are handled. But I am also a noob at making device handlers. No matter how I manipulate the button, the only string it sends is:
catchall: 0104 0501 01 FF 0140 00 8563 01 00 0000 00 00 0308303030303030303001
Since it does not seem to send a separate signal on button release, or a different one for double click, how one would program this for more than a single click is beyond me.
Edit: Oops, I lied. I just hadn’t held the button long enough, or maybe too long, whatever. The held string is:
catchall: 0104 0501 01 FF 0140 00 8563 01 00 0000 00 00 0208303030303030303001
Double click is:
catchall: 0104 0501 01 FF 0140 00 8563 01 00 0000 00 00 0008303030303030303001
So with that in mind, it should be pretty easy to integrate those into a more diverse device handler. But of course, Button Controller only handles single press and hold inputs, so you would also need to update Button Controller to handle the double click behavior. I will take a look and see if I can figure it out… but like I said, I am a noob at this!