Next Developer Call will be on 09/09/2015 - Guest : Alex Hawkinson

I’d love to hear more about what you will enable developers to do to interoperate devices locally using the new local capability - is there going to be an API ?
What sort of standards are you looking to support on the local network for developers to use?
AllJoyn seems to be getting a lot of traction, lots of players, and AllJoyn services are even built into Windows 10 - huge opportunity for developers there. What’s your thought on consuming AllJoyn devices, and more importantly expose SmartThing devices through an AllJoyn bridge? Or is the thought more to go proprietary and lock users into the SmartThings hub as much as possible?

Alsp see my ramblings regarding current state of local access APIs in SmartThings here: The Next Generation of SmartThings is Here

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