Newbe help needed for starting Device Handler

The following outputs

def parse(String description) {
log.debug “{device.displayName}: Parsing message: '{description}’”

Dryer: Parsing message: '{"correlationId":"807ece4c-927c-4a83-7de7-2dbe3dff4071","receiverDi":"dealer","enqueueTime":1571609416621,"path":"/shp/C0972783-A50C-0000-0000-000000000000/Operation","data":{"payload":{"":"Run","":"00:11:00","":"Drying"}},"senderDi":"C0972783-A50C-0000-0000-000000000000"}'

How can I create data points from the data : payload to use in webcore?

try something like
log.debug “{device.displayName}: Parsing message: '${}’”
then you need to have a tile to display it, eg oprating state then do send event to that tile

Thanks for the help. I will give it a go.