New samsung tv, having issues with automation

I was thinking that since most new Samsung models have Alexa support you can probably use Alexa as an intermediary and automate with SmartThings so that the end result was similar to what you were describing. It does take some work to set it up, though.

However—some Alexa tv implementations only allow “watch Netflix,” not “watch the Witcher on Netflix,” so I’m not sure what that specific model does.

So it depends on the details of “watch my favorite show.”

If Alexa can launch your favorite show, you can probably do it with the method in the following faq.

FAQ: Can I trigger an Echo Action without Speaking to It?

But if Alexa control of your tv isn’t granular enough, you might have to add a streaming device with more detailed controls.

(I myself am quadriparetic with limited hand control and can’t use a regular button remote, so I tend to follow this area pretty closely. It was a really big deal when Fire TV cube added the ability to select a specific show, not just launch a streaming service. )