(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc

Yes, I found the driver bug when I was seeing a problem with fibaro open close and corrected it, I forgot to say

this is the problem in case @nayelyz wants to report it.
The can_handle of the aeotec-multisensor subdriver compares with manufacturer, productType and productId and there are only fingerprints for manufacturer and productId

  { manufacturerId = 0x0086, productId = 0x0064 }, -- MultiSensor 6
  { manufacturerId = 0x0371, productId = 0x0018 }, -- MultiSensor 7

local function can_handle_aeotec_multisensor(opts, self, device, ...)
  for _, fingerprint in ipairs(AEOTEC_MULTISENSOR_FINGERPRINTS) do
    --if device:id_match(fingerprint.manufacturerId, fingerprint.productType, fingerprint.productId) then
if device:id_match(fingerprint.manufacturerId, fingerprint.productId) then
      return true
  return false
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