New Official Integration: Samsung Multiroom Audio

Thanks for the reply. For the record, I have 6 of these speakers.

I deleted and re-added one of mine and that seems to still work. Albeit, it added with a generic name but I’m able to change that. Previously, it took the name of the speaker as it was defined in the Multiroom (Samsung wireless speaker) app

I reenabled, and tried a routine that would TTS when a door contact was open. TTS fails however, there is some interaction as the music that was playing at the time stopped. Just no speech as before.

Lastly, I reattempted pausing and playing the speaker via a virtual switch in a routine. I’m pleased to report that this functionality appears to work.

At this point, it appears that only TTS is not working. Remember also that when it was working, it only did so on every other command. Both will need to be tested.

Thank you for getting back with us!

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Have you checked the driver logs when this happens? I asked because these models don’t support HTTPS URLs, so, that causes an issue with TTS. However, there was a fix done by the team to try a fallback to HTTP, if it fails, it should be registered in the driver logs.

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Okay, here we go. So it is working half way. As was stated previously, it works every other time. I think when I tested earlier the volume on my specific speaker was to low to hear.

That brings up another issues in that when requesting notification, we have no control of the volume as we did before. Previously, in another life, you could temporarily set the volume for the announcement and then it would reset to the previous level. So this is another side issue.

Anyway, here is the logs of both working and not working.
Let me know how I can help.

Working /
2024-02-10T14:23:47.952088113+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Received event with handler capability
2024-02-10T14:23:47.957462738+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: e684cd70-9061-4c35-a1d6-3589e88a8fae (Samsung Wireless Upstairs)> received command: {“args”:{“uri”:“"},“capability”:“audioNotification”,“command”:“playTrackAndResume”,“component”:“main”,“positional_args”:["”]}
2024-02-10T14:23:47.971749613+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in samsung-audio
2024-02-10T14:23:48.067505738+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [Audio Notification → SetUrlPlayback]
2024-02-10T14:23:48.077004280+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Final Notification Command URL for making Audio Notification http request = http://xx.xx.xx.xx:55001/UIC?cmd=<pwron>on</pwron><name>SetUrlPlayback</name><p%20type=“cdata”%20name=“url”%20val=“empty”><![CDATA[]]%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22buffersize%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22seektime%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22resume%22%20val=%221%22/%3E
2024-02-10T14:23:48.185738821+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Response Map table with https: {handler_res={__index={__index=RecursiveTable: __index, _stack={{}, n=1}, cdata=function: 0x1ed5778, endtag=function: 0x1eb5e40, new=function: 0x1ec1500, options={noreduce={}}, reduce=function: 0x1ed5578, root={}, starttag=function: 0x1ed54a0, text=function: 0x1ed5778}, _stack={{UIC={method=“PausePlaybackEvent”, response={_attr={result=“ok”}, playtime=“0”}, speakerip=“xx.xx.xx.xx”, user_identifier=“public”, version=“1.0”}}, n=1}, options={noreduce={}}, parseAttributes=true, root={UIC=RecursiveTable: UIC}}}
2024-02-10T14:23:48.189475030+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio resp method and error code : {method=“PausePlaybackEvent”}
2024-02-10T14:23:48.193489571+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio Recieved error code nil
2024-02-10T14:23:48.198363030+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio Falling back to http for AudioNotification Command http://xx.xx.xx.xx:55001/UIC?cmd=<pwron>on</pwron><name>SetUrlPlayback</name><p%20type=“cdata”%20name=“url”%20val=“empty”><![CDATA[]]%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22buffersize%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22seektime%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22resume%22%20val=%221%22/%3E
2024-02-10T14:23:48.805395571+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Response Map table with http: {handler_res={__index={__index=RecursiveTable: __index, _stack={{}, n=1}, cdata=function: 0x1ed5778, endtag=function: 0x1eb5e40, new=function: 0x1ec1500, options={noreduce={}}, reduce=function: 0x1ed5578, root={}, starttag=function: 0x1ed54a0, text=function: 0x1ed5778}, _stack={{UIC={method=“ErrorEvent”, response={_attr={result=“ng”}, errCode=“URL_OPEN_FAIL”}, speakerip=“xx.xx.xx.xx”, user_identifier=“public”, version=“1.0”}}, n=1}, options={noreduce={}}, parseAttributes=true, root={UIC=RecursiveTable: UIC}}}
2024-02-10T14:23:48.808071571+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Samsung Wireless Upstairs device thread event handled
2024-02-10T14:23:49.547948029+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio Refresh → collecting updated data to send to server…
2024-02-10T14:23:49.551530529+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [getPlayStatus]
2024-02-10T14:23:49.609183779+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“switch”,“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“on”}}
2024-02-10T14:23:49.616507779+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“playbackStatus”,“capability_id”:“mediaPlayback”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“stopped”}}
2024-02-10T14:23:49.621978279+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [GetVolume]
2024-02-10T14:23:49.726213404+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“volume”,“capability_id”:“audioVolume”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:0}}
2024-02-10T14:23:49.730631529+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [getMute]
2024-02-10T14:23:49.843464654+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“mute”,“capability_id”:“audioMute”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“muted”}}
2024-02-10T14:23:49.848713363+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Samsung Wireless Audio device thread event handled

Not Working /

2024-02-10T14:25:42.008430660+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Received event with handler capability
2024-02-10T14:25:42.054492827+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: e684cd70-9061-4c35-a1d6-3589e88a8fae (Samsung Wireless Upstairs)> received command: {“args”:{“uri”:“"},“capability”:“audioNotification”,“command”:“playTrackAndResume”,“component”:“main”,“positional_args”:["”]}
2024-02-10T14:25:42.057482493+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in samsung-audio
2024-02-10T14:25:42.062410160+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [Audio Notification → SetUrlPlayback]
2024-02-10T14:25:42.072142452+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Final Notification Command URL for making Audio Notification http request = http://xx.xx.xx.xx:55001/UIC?cmd=<pwron>on</pwron><name>SetUrlPlayback</name><p%20type=“cdata”%20name=“url”%20val=“empty”><![CDATA[]]%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22buffersize%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22seektime%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22resume%22%20val=%221%22/%3E
2024-02-10T14:25:42.192212618+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Response Map table with https: {handler_res={__index={__index=RecursiveTable: __index, _stack={{}, n=1}, cdata=function: 0x1ed5778, endtag=function: 0x1eb5e40, new=function: 0x1ec1500, options={noreduce={}}, reduce=function: 0x1ed5578, root={}, starttag=function: 0x1ed54a0, text=function: 0x1ed5778}, _stack={{UIC={method=“PausePlaybackEvent”, response={_attr={result=“ok”}, playtime=“0”}, speakerip=“xx.xx.xx.xx”, user_identifier=“public”, version=“1.0”}}, n=1}, options={noreduce={}}, parseAttributes=true, root={UIC=RecursiveTable: UIC}}}
2024-02-10T14:25:42.194838702+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio resp method and error code : {method=“PausePlaybackEvent”}
2024-02-10T14:25:42.199207077+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio Recieved error code nil
2024-02-10T14:25:42.202991660+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio Falling back to http for AudioNotification Command http://xx.xx.xx.xx:55001/UIC?cmd=<pwron>on</pwron><name>SetUrlPlayback</name><p%20type=“cdata”%20name=“url”%20val=“empty”><![CDATA[]]%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22buffersize%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22seektime%22%20val=%220%22/%3E%3Cp%20type=%22dec%22%20name=%22resume%22%20val=%221%22/%3E
2024-02-10T14:25:42.916000160+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Response Map table with http: {handler_res={__index={__index=RecursiveTable: __index, _stack={{}, n=1}, cdata=function: 0x1ed5778, endtag=function: 0x1eb5e40, new=function: 0x1ec1500, options={noreduce={}}, reduce=function: 0x1ed5578, root={}, starttag=function: 0x1ed54a0, text=function: 0x1ed5778}, _stack={{UIC={method=“UrlPlayback”, response={_attr={result=“ok”}, buffersize=“0”, seektime=“0”, url=“”}, speakerip=“xx.xx.xx.xx”, user_identifier={}, version=“1.0”}}, n=1}, options={noreduce={}}, parseAttributes=true, root={UIC=RecursiveTable: UIC}}}
2024-02-10T14:25:42.918694202+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Samsung Wireless Upstairs device thread event handled
2024-02-10T14:25:49.548951703+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio Refresh → collecting updated data to send to server…
2024-02-10T14:25:49.552699244+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [getPlayStatus]
2024-02-10T14:25:49.663145078+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“switch”,“capability_id”:“switch”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“on”}}
2024-02-10T14:25:49.671230453+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“playbackStatus”,“capability_id”:“mediaPlayback”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“stopped”}}
2024-02-10T14:25:49.680074328+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [GetVolume]
2024-02-10T14:25:49.790182994+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“volume”,“capability_id”:“audioVolume”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:0}}
2024-02-10T14:25:49.794741536+00:00 TRACE SamsungAudio Triggering UPnP Command Request for [getMute]
2024-02-10T14:25:49.907032869+00:00 INFO SamsungAudio <Device: 2f4fb87a-0018-43f6-a34d-04ec9fe58282 (Samsung Wireless Audio Patio)> emitting event: {“attribute_id”:“mute”,“capability_id”:“audioMute”,“component_id”:“main”,“state”:{“value”:“muted”}}
2024-02-10T14:25:49.909754786+00:00 DEBUG SamsungAudio Samsung Wireless Audio device thread event handled

Hi, @Ptbradford. Thank you for taking the time to collect this info.
Just a quick question, aren’t they the other way around? In the “working” section I see this message of “ErrorEvent” that doesn’t appear in the logs below the “not Working” section

I know, I thought that was strange as well. I even ran it twice because I thought I had mixed up the results. I just ran it again and same result. See attached

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ok, thank you for sharing this, I’ll send it to the engineering team.

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Hi, @Ptbradford

The engineering team mentioned they need your help by doing some tests, please:

  1. Send a TTS notification when the speaker is in IDLE state
  2. Send a TTS notification when the speaker is playing other media

While doing these tests, please, collect the driver logs as you did before, as they will have several lines, copy them into a file, and send it to
After these tests, dump the hub logs to get other info about the driver execution:

  1. In the Advanced Users app, enter the “Hubs” section
  2. Enter the corresponding Hub and click on “Dump Hub logs”
  3. Confirm the process by clicking on “Dump Hub logs” again in the pop-up.
  4. You’ll get a green box at the top confirming the Hub logs were requested.

Document with logs has been sent and Hub dumped as requested.

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been away.

4 Logs one when it worked and one when it didn’t in each state


Hi, @Ptbradford
The engineering team mentioned there was a release yesterday for this driver, could you let us know how the device is working with this new version, please?


So I tested this morning. I do see a change in functionality as now it does NOT work at all. Hub logs dumped and CLI logs emailed. Enjoy!

I have a couple R1’s laying around that I thought I would try and pair up to Smartthings. Haven’t touched them in forever but can’t seem to get them connected. I believe I have the latest driver and have factory reset them holding the volume buttons. Is there any trick that I’m missing? TIA

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Notification on speakers are no longer working after new driver update (2024-08-12). I do see new notification toggle but seems not to be functional. Looks like TTS functionality is removed.

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I am having the same issue.


If I delete the speakers, they are no longer discoverable. Below are screenshot of toggle I was talking about and the driver version.

I’m not familiar with the device but I am aware that the Audio Notification capability has been removed. I get the impression there is a security concern over using HTTP.

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@orangebucket TTS is basics for any home automations.

You’d think so wouldn’t you.

I may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, but I think the issue is that an expired certificate has forced the driver to always use HTTP for TTS and the security team aren’t allowing that any more. It seems that only the Samsung Audio driver has been using HTTP.

It seems there are 16,000 devices out there but not all of them use Audio Notification. Indeed in a ten day period only 20 devices were found to be using it. I’d like to think that has lost something in the telling as it isn’t a number I was expecting.

@orangebucket , isn’t those http request local to home network? And it make these speakers unusable as they are not been recognized after deleting.

hey, I just picked up and older HW-H751 Soundbar which I have managed to get connected to the older Multiroom App and managed to update the software to 3117.2 /1003.3R but have not been able to setup the Soundbar in the Smart Things app as its just not found :frowning:
do I need to somehow update the firmware to beta edge firmware then it would be found in the ST app?
appreciate the support and direction on this