[OBSOLETE] Vacation Light Director


Thanks man, hope something better comes along for us…

I use this ever day. Works 100%.

Giving me logs and such would do a great deal to help me figure out why it isn’t working.

P.S. you should be using the official version in the marketplace.

Hey Tim @slagle , thanks
I am using the official version. What logs do I need to provide and how would I do that. There is no activity from the vaction light director. What do you need me to cut and paste?


It triggers based off mode, if you don’t have a mode change it will not run

I get you…change the mode and that triggers the smartapp. It wont work if you are already in the mode and send an update to the smartapp to include the mode. i just tried it and it seems to work only for the first sequence, like turning on and off the first few lights.
I have the light frequency to 10 minutes and 15 minutes has elapsed with no light changes.
So its not doing it repeatedly it seems
Anything else I am missing?


Again, works for me lol, whats your setup?

Works for home, vacation modes
4 lights to be controlled
10 minutes to cycle the lights
number of active lights 2
do not change light status if simulated sensor is at home (it is currently set to away)
default is 1 min
Works on all 7 days of the week

try removing this, I don’t have any selected, maybe my logic is wrong there.

Yes Tim @slagle, seems like this is the issue. I have had the lights cycle fine after deselecting this! Looks like there is a bug in the days selection. I’ve had the lights cycle randomly since…


cool, i can fix this :smile:

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I haven’t tried the time btween A and B. Can you check that too?

I plan to enable that.


i use this, it works :smile:

Hi Tim / all - I’m trying to install this and when create the new app by pasting the code from https://github.com/tslagle13/SmartThingsPersonal/blob/9e3a209f533c644fe6861a70943425afe72b4bfa/smartapps/tslagle13/vacation-lighting-director.groovy

it gives me the error

startup failed: script14504863588131847308176.groovy: 87: expecting ‘]’, found ‘required’ @ line 87, column 9. required: true ^ 1 error

Alternately, when I try to create it “using template”, I can see “Vacation lighting director” as a template, but clicking on it does not get the template up - it works for all the other templates… but not this one…

Any suggestion on how do I got about installing the app.


It is an official app so to find it go to the ST app. Then choose Marketplace, Smartapps, Lights & Switches, and finally choose Vacation Lighting Director.

Thanks - Found it !
Wish there was a better search feature for the apps :-).

Seems that only software authored by “SmartThings” is actually loaded into the template window, which is really annoying…

I think I’ve found a bug in this too - if you configure it so that it’s operational in a particular state (e.g. “Home”) and then let it save and return to the main App menu, it doesn’t do anything if you’re already in that state. If I change to Away and then back to Home then the App springs into life. I think it needs a bit in the start somewhere to check for the current state and if it’s one of its active states, automatically run the handler for it.

Good App though! I’d like to see a version which uses a random time (between limits) before cycling, e.g. cycles randomly between (specified by user) 1 and 60 minutes, say. This would really make it look random - and therefore more human - to the outside world.

Thanks :smile:

I think there’s a comma missing at the end of line 86 and line 93 - I believe they should read:

Line 86:

    title:      	"Minutes?",

Line 93:

    title:      	"Number of active lights",

Unfortunately when I try to copy and paste the code in, even with my corrections, it causes all sorts of problems and I can publish the App and install it on my phone but then I get the dreaded “You are not authorized to perform…” error when I try to go into it. The only way to then get rid of it is to go into the list of SmartApps via the web interface and delete it as shown here:

(see my post thanking the author for the exact sequent of events required!).

For the record, I think the following code needs to be added into the Initialize() routine - but I can’t test it!

    if (newMode.any{ it == location.mode } || newMode == location.mode) {
        def delay = (falseAlarmThreshold != null && falseAlarmThreshold != "") ? falseAlarmThreshold * 60 : 2 * 60 
        runIn(delay, scheduleCheck)


I am having the same issues with the app not working as it should.
Unfortunately I cannot seem to get the ‘Vacation Lighting Director’ to list in the templates section so that I can amend and save it.
Any ideas?

I’m seeing this app fail completely after a about 30 hours use.

Could you possibly be a bit more specific and give me a line number to insert this code.
Not really into code so I need my hand held a bit. :wink: