[OBSOLETE] Integration with HoneyWell TotalConnect Alarm & Monitoring System

Anyone looking for an L5100 control panel with GSM and Wifi adapter I have one for sale.

When I go to create device handlers do I select copy from file? And when I open the file do I copy everything in the file?
When I tried coping the whole file and added it it came up error. Thanks

Hi Donald, for the Device Handler you just need to copy/paste all of the text on this page into the “From Code” tab in the SmartThings IDE where you’re creating the new Device Handler. Then click “Create”. Does that make sense?

It does. Thanks for responding back. I thought that’s what I did but it was late and my eyes was blurry from all the reading…lol. I will give it a try again. Might be you need to do this on a computer not from a smartphone maybe?

I tried again on my smartphone and i get this error

Org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: script1508617884260449566963.groovy: 1: unexpected token: @ line 1, column 11106. System") runIn(15,refresh) } ^ 1 error

Hmm, it’s not an issue doing this from a smartphone versus PC so that’s not it. Can you confirm you’re passing this code into the add Device Handler tab not SmartApp tab?

Other than that, I’m not sure what this could be about as I’m not a coder.

yes. i click on the tab that says device handler then i go the part you enter the file(copy & paste) and it comes back with that error. Im gonna try it on a computer and see if it works or still comes up with that error.
im not giving up easy just yet.
ive had the ST hub for only 3 days and have managed to get it up as a second controller and it works perfect. i just want it to interact with my total connect 2.0 tuxedo control panel and vista 20 alarm panel.
i really want to arm/disarm from ST by setting to arm/disarm by my door lock.

Hey I got it to accept on the laptop. I have a few options not sure what to select here? Save,publish,ide settings,device type settings, simulator.
I’m guessing save?

Huh, interesting! Yes just save I believe. From here you’ll want to follow my steps listed in the post earlier in this thread.

for some reason i cant find the device and location id. cant figure out what im doing wrong

Did you install the SmartApp in the SmartThings app and pull up the Live Logging in the IDE then put in your TC credentials in the app and tap install to watch what the IDs are in the Live Logging?

i have my tuxedo as the main and ST as the secondary controlling a echo dot for voice functions. everything works great no down time so far.
I come to this site to get my TC 2.0 to work with ST to control arm/disarm with certain
scenes. mainly arm when my door locks and disarm when i open the door.
ive been through all 670 pages on this to no avail. i believe as some have said honeywell tc has blocked some stuff. i may have to find another route in maybe through my vista 20 panel.

yes i kept getting a error code 82.
and ive tried the device id every witch way. 6 first 6 last 7 first 7 last to no avail.

Its 3:21 am and ive finally have it working. wow thanks everybody! now i can finally get some rest.

What did you do to get it to work?


So, I got it working using @Oendaril device handler. I used his app to get my location ID and Device ID (I was getting an error using the last 6, so I went with the first 6) and that worked for me.(seems to be a crap shoot with the last 6 or 7 or the first 6 or 7).
I also used my own TC 2.0 user name and password( I was trying it with the new username and password earlier in the process but towards the middle and end I was trying it both ways) but when I got it working it happen to be with my original username & password. It might work now with the other username & password but the way I see it… if ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Thanks for the tip… I try all combinations…

I am not having luck… :frowning:


Here is a debug:

1fab44bf-6ab7-4063-b6d1-aef6751e2647 4:22:41 PM: error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed with status code 500 @ line 149
1fab44bf-6ab7-4063-b6d1-aef6751e2647 4:22:41 PM: debug response received: physicalgraph.scheduling.AsyncResponse@1567d21b
1fab44bf-6ab7-4063-b6d1-aef6751e2647 4:22:41 PM: debug error response json: [:]
1fab44bf-6ab7-4063-b6d1-aef6751e2647 4:22:41 PM: warn error parsing xml: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is not allowed in prolog.
1fab44bf-6ab7-4063-b6d1-aef6751e2647 4:22:41 PM: debug error response data: Cannot convert null to System.Int32.
Parameter name: type —> Input string was not in a correct format.

Yea I know how it is. I thought I’d never get it either.
I didn’t see any of those errors on mine. I was getting a error 106, and then a 82…but I did delete everything and start over right before I got it working.

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Thanks for the reply. Ill spill more blood before ill give up! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl: