[OBSOLETE] MyQ Garage Door Device Type

You guys have obviously never seen the Ridiculously Automated Garage Door SmartApp :slight_smile:

 *  Ridiculously Automated Garage Door
 *  Author: SmartThings
 *  Date: 2013-03-10
 * Monitors arrival and departure of car(s) and
 *    1) opens door when car arrives,
 *    2) closes door after car has departed (for N minutes),
 *    3) opens door when car door motion is detected,
 *    4) closes door when door was opened due to arrival and interior door is closed.

    name: "Ridiculously Automated Garage Door",
    namespace: "smartthings",
    author: "SmartThings",
    description: "Monitors arrival and departure of car(s) and 1) opens door when car arrives, 2) closes door after car has departed (for N minutes), 3) opens door when car door motion is detected, 4) closes door when door was opened due to arrival and interior door is closed.",
    category: "Convenience",
    iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Meta/garage_contact.png",
    iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Meta/garage_contact@2x.png"

preferences {

	section("Garage door") {
		input "doorSensor", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which sensor?"
		input "doorSwitch", "capability.momentary", title: "Which switch?"
		input "openThreshold", "number", title: "Warn when open longer than (optional)",description: "Number of minutes", required: false
		input "phone", "phone", title: "Warn with text message (optional)", description: "Phone Number", required: false
	section("Car(s) using this garage door") {
		input "cars", "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Presence sensor", description: "Which car(s)?", multiple: true, required: false
		input "carDoorSensors", "capability.accelerationSensor", title: "Car door sensor(s)", description: "Which car(s)?", multiple: true, required: false
	section("Interior door (optional)") {
		input "interiorDoorSensor", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Contact sensor?", required: false
	section("False alarm threshold (defaults to 10 min)") {
		input "falseAlarmThreshold", "number", title: "Number of minutes", required: false

def installed() {
	log.trace "installed()"

def updated() {
	log.trace "updated()"

def subscribe() {
	log.debug "present: ${cars.collect{it.displayName + ': ' + it.currentPresence}}"
	subscribe(doorSensor, "contact", garageDoorContact)

	subscribe(cars, "presence", carPresence)
	subscribe(carDoorSensors, "acceleration", accelerationActive)

	if (interiorDoorSensor) {
		subscribe(interiorDoorSensor, "contact.closed", interiorDoorClosed)

def doorOpenCheck()
	final thresholdMinutes = openThreshold
	if (thresholdMinutes) {
		def currentState = doorSensor.contactState
		log.debug "doorOpenCheck"
		if (currentState?.value == "open") {
			log.debug "open for ${now() - currentState.date.time}, openDoorNotificationSent: ${state.openDoorNotificationSent}"
			if (!state.openDoorNotificationSent && now() - currentState.date.time > thresholdMinutes * 60 *1000) {
				def msg = "${doorSwitch.displayName} was been open for ${thresholdMinutes} minutes"
				log.info msg
				sendPush msg
				if (phone) {
					sendSms phone, msg
				state.openDoorNotificationSent = true
		else {
			state.openDoorNotificationSent = false

def carPresence(evt)
	log.info "$evt.name: $evt.value"
	// time in which there must be no "not present" events in order to open the door
	final openDoorAwayInterval = falseAlarmThreshold ? falseAlarmThreshold * 60 : 600

	if (evt.value == "present") {
		// A car comes home

		def car = getCar(evt)
		def t0 = new Date(now() - (openDoorAwayInterval * 1000))
		def states = car.statesSince("presence", t0)
		def recentNotPresentState = states.find{it.value == "not present"}

		if (recentNotPresentState) {
			log.debug "Not opening ${doorSwitch.displayName} since car was not present at ${recentNotPresentState.date}, less than ${openDoorAwayInterval} sec ago"
		else {
			if (doorSensor.currentContact == "closed") {
				sendPush "Opening garage door due to arrival of ${car.displayName}"
				state.appOpenedDoor = now()
			else {
				log.debug "door already open"
	else {
		// A car departs
		if (doorSensor.currentContact == "open") {
			log.debug "Closing ${doorSwitch.displayName} after departure"
			sendPush("Closing ${doorSwitch.displayName} after departure")
		else {
			log.debug "Not closing ${doorSwitch.displayName} because its already closed"

def garageDoorContact(evt)
	log.info "garageDoorContact, $evt.name: $evt.value"
	if (evt.value == "open") {
		schedule("0 * * * * ?", "doorOpenCheck")
	else {

def interiorDoorClosed(evt)
	log.info "interiorContact, $evt.name: $evt.value"

	// time during which closing the interior door will shut the garage door, if the app opened it
	final threshold = 15 * 60 * 1000
	if (state.appOpenedDoor && now() - state.appOpenedDoor < threshold) {
		state.appOpenedDoor = 0
	else {
		log.debug "app didn't open door"

def accelerationActive(evt)
	log.info "$evt.name: $evt.value"

	if (doorSensor.currentContact == "closed") {
		log.debug "opening door when car door opened"

private openDoor()
	if (doorSensor.currentContact == "closed") {
		log.debug "opening door"

private closeDoor()
	if (doorSensor.currentContact == "open") {
		log.debug "closing door"

private getCar(evt)
	cars.find{it.id == evt.deviceId}

It can be found and modified inside the web-based IDE by clicking Browse SmartApps in the upper right.

In general, our answer is anything is possible, just depends on how much time we have or if someone from the community wants to take it on