My new Ecobee Device (disconnection issues are resolved)

Email with new code arrived.
Deleting dependencies is not fun,
I just changed device type and edited thermostat prefs.
And it works.

But the issue was with the exceptions being thrown for authentication of the init app, right? Time will tell if thats fixed.

init is not used anymore.

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Hello @yvesracine. Got the new code, thank you. Going through the instructions. Quick question, you say that MyEcobee Device should first be uninstalled, but then later in item 3 write ā€œUpdate your MyEcobee Device with the latest codeā€. Seems a bit contradictory - if I uninstall it, there would be nothing to update. Correct? I would need to create one. Please confirm. Update the code in place would be obviously more convenientā€¦ Thanks!

You can update it, but you need first to remove the existing device(s) under

New code installed 17 hours ago and polling every 5 minutes, like clock. :smile:

Hi, Iā€™m still fine tuning some parametersā€¦

I will let you know of any minor updates in the next daysā€¦

Hi, made some little changes and uploaded the new MyEcobeeDevice version in the shared folder:

  • Removed some checks in setCoolingSetpoint() and setHeatingSetpoint() to avoid UI delays in showing new values
  • Fine tuned some parameters to refresh the access token

You can download the new version, save & publish in the IDE.

When I attempt to create the application key at I got the following message:

Duplicate data violation. Application name already exists.

I deleted the previous association in My Apps with Smartthings and I still get the same message.



Hi, the application name is your choice. You do not need to specify the application that I gave as an example in the instructions.

Please redo the steps to create a new ecobee application.

6:25:47 PM: error Internal Server Error @ line 1321
6:25:47 PM: error isTokenExpired>refreshing tokens is is now at risk (-90.0),exception count may increase!
6:25:47 PM: warn isTokenExpired>auth token buffer time 10 expired, countdown is -90 minutes, need to refresh tokens now! about to call refreshLocalAuthToken()ā€¦
6:25:47 PM: error refreshLocalAuthToken>caught exception while refreshing auth token: Unauthorized
6:25:47 PM: error isTokenExpired>refreshing tokens is is now at risk (-90.0),exception count may increase!
6:25:47 PM: warn isTokenExpired>auth token buffer time 10 expired, countdown is -90 minutes, need to refresh tokens now! about to call refreshLocalAuthToken()ā€¦

Yes,it seems that when we update the device type, this may happen.

It looks like not all the ST connection issues are resolved.

EDIT: re-execute steps 6-8.

Hi, all contributors should have received the temporary link to the google drive folder which includes the new code and instructions.

If not, please let me know.

Thnx for your support and Happy Holidays!

EDIT: I sent the link to the paypal registered address associated to your account.

Will you notify us via email when the remote sensors can be installed again (after ST fixes their issues)? Thanks

Yes, the remote sensors can be installed but you my need to re-authorize the thermostat device from time to time.

It can work for days (I have them installed at one location and itā€™s been days w/o any issues now).

Iā€™m working with ST to make it more reliable, but with the Holidays, it wonā€™t be before next year.

Iā€™ll let you know of any new development.


Wait, what? Youā€™re saying that even after we pay for this fix, we still have to authorize with ecobee credentials for smartthings to not throw exceptions?

Am I reading that right?

Hello - This might not be the right thread, but what would be the best way to get technical support? I will admit, I am new to this, but since I paid $15 I do want to have a working app for my Ecobee. I have the device listed in my SmartThings devices, but no data will populate. I was able to get a PIN through the other app, but now the ā€œverbosetraceā€ shows an auth error.

I have never actually seen any thermostat data populate on my phone so I donā€™t know if I actually did it right. Can somebody help me troubleshoot?

Also - the buttons look horrible on my Lumia 1520, but they are properly formatted on my wifes iPhone. Is that a SmartThings app issue?


@mejifair, the MyEcobee device may be rendered differently under Win mobile. This is a ST UI issue.

As specified in the installation steps, there is a time window to register the new PIN.

If you miss the window, you have to re-execute getEcobeePin again.

So, re-execute steps 6-8 according to the installation steps provided.


EDIT: You can PM me with any issues in your logs (IDE/Live Logging).

@Turb02, your post is not constructive.

Iā€™ve done a lot of work to redesign MyEcobee Device to avoid ST-ecobee connection issues as much as possible (and people are willing to contribute to get my latest version), but the fact of the matter is that my code is not responsible for the Http connection issues.

The http connections are managed by ST-ecobee, and Iā€™m working with both companies to make it work better.

So, if youā€™re not willing to contribute, at least support the ticket that I opened (#171366) for the ST-ecobee connection issues based on my past days of intensive testing.


My apologies for it not being ā€œconstructiveā€, It was a legitimate question though.

My impression (from the beginning of this thread) was that you [quote=ā€œyvesracine, post:1, topic:31922ā€]
found a permanent workaround

for this issue.

I guess its just unclear to me what you ā€œfound a permanent workaroundā€ for if this issue wasnt what youā€™re referring to. (its not clearly stated anywhere).

As I said in my previous posts, I am eager to buy this as long as the pricing structure is identified and conciseā€¦and works.

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