My Home Automation Addiction

My biggest problem, is I think I have everything I need, then I obsess on what else I can do. Then once I have an idea, I am like a hungry scavenger, I can’t stop until it is done. Yesterday i purchased a Eufy Genie, for the garage. Just so i can open and close the garage doors when my arms are full. So I said OK that is great, but what about the interior door. So now I am looking for an industrial magnetic door latching system, that when I open I tell Alexa unlock the interior door the magnet will release and the door will open just a pinch by a spring so I can open it. I have used them in office buildings to unlock fire stairs in an emergency, and to lock doors in an lock down. Problem is the cost of these, with their power supply. Below is a picture of the Eufy with my other controls.