[OBSOLETE] Netatmo Weather Station

I am trying to bring Netatmo wind data from Smartthings to ActionTiles. But ActionTiles only displays the battery level on the wind tile.


I looked at the device handler code (shown below) and see that wind strength and direction are not listed as "capability"s. Apparently, ActionTiles only import data from the “capability” list in the device handler. Is there a way to add wind strength and direction as a capability?

metadata {

definition (name: "Netatmo Wind", namespace: "cscheiene", author: "Brian Steere, cscheiene") {

capability "Sensor"
    capability "Battery"
    capability "Refresh"
    capability "Health Check"

    attribute "WindStrength", "number"
    attribute "WindAngle", "number"
    attribute "GustStrength", "number"
    attribute "GustAngle", "number"
    attribute "max_wind_str", "number"
    attribute "units", "string"
    attribute "lastupdate", "string"
    attribute "date_max_wind_str", "string"

No, not until Smartthings add wind or something similar we can use to the official capability list.

Ok thanks very much

Alle sensorer er utilgjengelig ST. Får beskjed i smartappen at “You can’t curretly add this” i Devices.
Har resatt hub og Netatmo.

It works perfect with SmartThings Classic
If you using new SmartThings app, only temperature and humidity values are available!
Can you modify the code to support also carbon dioxide levels, dB levels etc ?

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Interested in that too! I want to trigger my Air purifier based on the CO2 level… :slight_smile:

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Can you please assist us, to make the code working on new ST?


Air purifiers can’t clean high c02, I used to do this too, only thing that helps is clean air coming in

Its not possible at the moment, Smartthings does not provide the tools to do this.

You can do this from Core/Webcore in the new app

Hello. Thanks for your reply.
If I change the device handler on the basestation module or on additional module, and select the “preinstalled” [netatmo-outdoor] DHT, carbon dioxide, sound level etc, panels appears like they should, but they do not take the rights values.
If I change back to custom DHT(without living the panel view) and refresh, now everything works fine.
BUT if you leave the panel view and go back again, everything restores to previous state.

You found something weird. Unfortunately I can’t use it for anything.

You are right. When you switch to the stock outdoor handler, it will briefly display the co2. But that’s only because the data was already there from the old DH. If you use that code from scratch it won’t display because there is nothing in the code about co2 at all.

I’m not able to do anything that would make the co2 stick. The data is already there, the app just needs to display it. I’m hoping Smartthings will do updates, allowing more data to be displayed on the new app

@Panos I made some new DH for the basestation and additional module. Can you test them? Please install them as new DH, dont just update the old ones.

Hello There.
I tried the new DH for both basestation and additional modules
Unfortunately with no success.
I get this error [1]:

Also now instead of getting the current temperature at the home screen, the default value is humidity instead. [2]


Another issue is that on additional module there is a sound sensor preview, but there is no sound detection hardware on the module. [3]

Would you like to provide you any logs?
Thanks so much for your time


I just updated them, published them and then opened the app and then clicked next > save and all is well.

Edit: I use the Classic app. I checked the new app and get the same error as above. I have no idea if that error occurs with the old DTH, I’ve never opened the device with the new app previously.

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@Panos @ImStillMe Can you remove the modules from Smartthings, and reinstall them from the Netatmo Connect Smartapp? Make sure you only have the new DH installed in your IDE

It works!!
I can confirm that reinstalling the modules from Netatmo Connect Smartapp resolves the previous error [1].

Also the sound detection panel, does not appear on additional module (it works as it should, now) [3]

The issue [2] remains. Instead of displaying the temperature value, the primary value is humidity for basestation and additional modules.

Also I notice that atmospheric pressure on basestation module does not appear at all,
but I’m not sure if this is an available capability to use on new ST, as you had said couple of days ago.

On automations menu, there is no option for sound triggered automation on basestation module

I will perform some other tests and I would let you know.
Thanks for this.

Great news!

Yes, known issue. I’m trying to figure out how to change this without breaking the other stuff

I have not added this capability, I see that Smartthings now has a capability for this. I will check if it’s live and try to add this

Do you have screenshot of the basestation module in the new app?

There you go:

Basestation Module:

Activity (In case that helps you - No airPressure Data is showing here):

Additional Module:


Another issue is that CO2 concentration level has no history chart.

The chart is working for temperature and humidity levels on both basestation and additional modules

Hmmm. I uninstalled and reinstalled the base module and my extra indoor module from the classic app. They show up in the new app now without error but only sjow temperature and humidity.