Mobile device presence broken with iOS 11

@kleneau: Any information on how to provide that additional tracking to support? After updating the app to 2.7.1 I opened it and looked at the status of my iPhone presence sensor - it still showed me (incorrectly) as present. It took in excess of 2 minutes for it to update to show me as away (time stamp based on the “Recently” tab). If it takes that long with the application in the foreground I can see that it would be spotty at best in the background…

The foreground behavior is much different then the background. In the foreground we turn the GPS on and get an accurate position from the phone which adds to the time. In the background we take the geofence event Apple told us and we send it over the network to the cloud. This should be faster because there is no GPS spin up and cycle time.

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I am On iOS 11.0.2 with app version 2.7.1. I left the my location today and came back with the Smartthings app not running in the background. Location=always, background app refresh =on.
Both events were logged correctly. I am still holding my breath, but this update may have fixed the issue!?

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I will say that presence seems better in 2.7.1, but now Device updates seem really slow to occur. Opening and closing windows, doors, motion sensors, etc- suddenly there’s a big delay in those events registering. Maybe it’s something server side and the app update is a red herring. I rebooted my hub to be on the safe side and will keep monitoring.

Yes I just noticed this morning that the updating of the app is very slow. My presence was marked as away at the correct time, the mode Changed to out as it should have but when I opened the app some time later the app said I was still in home mode. It def was not in home mode because this that only happened when in out mode were happening as they should, the app was slow to update but eventually did. I turned off one of my lights and the app was hung up on “turning off” I had to refresh the app to get it to update. Presence seems to be working now but the app not working is almost as bad as Presence not working.

FWIW - For the past few days iOS 11.0.2 running ST 2.7.0 has been working as it should.

Still not working for me.

iOS 11.0.2
ST 2.7.1
Location: always
Background: on

Restarted app and phone. Any suggestions? Want my logs?

Not working for me. Exact same versions as CoopTown54 right above me.

IOS 11.03 is out

Just updated to the latest SmartThings app and iOS 11.0.3 and the presence sensor feature did not work when I left my house this morning. However, when I opened up the app it knew I was not home and changed presence to away.

So I was working fine for several days as was everyone in my house. I updated to 2.7.1 when it came out and it did register the first time I came home (last night). This morning on the other hand it did not show me leaving (the ST presence sensor I had with me did though). I also noticed my son did not register leaving this morning either. The funny thing is he is still on iOS 10 and hasn’t upgraded yet but ST 2.7.1 and I’m on iOS 11.02. My wife on iOS 11.01 and ST app 2.7.0 and she is the only who registered leaving this morning.

I experienced the same thing but haven’t upgraded to 11.0.3 yet I’m still on 11.0.2 so I think we can rule that out. Looks like it has to do with the new app 2.7.1 since my wife hasn’t updated it and it saw her leave this morning.

Same issue for me - did not register me leaving today. Latest version of ST
and iOS 11.

I also found the presence sensors to be working the last couple days after the updates, but this morning it worked for my wife and not for me. We both have the latest ST iOS app (2.7.1) and are running iOS 11.0.2

ditto here

After the last update of smartthings my wife phone that’s on iOS 10 is now also not working. :confused:

Fingers crossed…it looks like it’s working again for me. Since the last ST app update I’ve had consistent behaviour. I am also running the latest iOS 11.1 Beta as well. @kleneau

Well, this is new… definitely shouldn’t have kicked off that routine at this time. I haven’t modified that routine at all in months.

Investigating - Some users may see their Routines or other scheduled SmartApps triggering earlier than scheduled. We are currently investigating.

Thank you very much!