Mmwave sensor question

It’s called “Tuya Presence Sensor” in his main channel. Try this link Channel and Drivers Web UI

It must be the invitation link. Otherwise, it will return 403 error.

Thanks again, I trite the beta and it works fine so I think he has updated both

Many thanks for your detailed explanation, I have now set the fading value as 200 and we’ll see how it goes.

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Actually, I think it’s divided by 5 and not 10 after checking it for a couple of days now

Have you tested on settings more than 900? Just tested yesterday at 900 and it takes around 117 sec to change status if divided by 10 that is 27 sec delay, if divided by 5, that is 63 seconds before the setting.

No, I have only tested up to 300 as they were fine for me. I am not sure if the divisor changes based if the value is higher

I believe is just a delay, at 500 change at 60 seconds, in another hand, data sheets shown detection delay settings from 0 to 10 s (but we can set from 0 to 100) also the fading time is from 0 to 1500 s but we can set until 15,000, and as I said in other plataforms like Home Assistant or Hubitat they said they have some delays on the fading time, look for Tuya ZY-M100 information on internet and you will find a lot of people talking about the same.

Understood Alemeyda. In the past two days, I have been observing some anomalies in terms of going from not present to present. One example now is, I sat down in the couch at 6:43 and left at 7:37. It went to Not present at 7:38, went to present at 7:38 and again went to not present at 7:39 where it was permanently not present till I sat down again. So, every time I go out, it goes to not present, comes back to present and goes back to not present so wondering if this happening to you too and what the resolution is.

My settings are, 9 for sensitivity, 350 for fading time and 40 for detection delay. Can you try these settings and let me know if you are getting this problem.

I tried resetting it twice and re-pairing it with smartthings but no luck.

Hi man!
I don’t have the issues you are referring to, I have 2 of them and are working fine, my settings are: detection delay =1, fading time = 500, far detection = 350, near detection = 30, sensitivity = 8, for the one in my TV room and detection delay =1, fading time = 120, far detection = 480, near detection = 50, sensitivity = 8, for the one at my bedroom.

Thanks Almeyda, can you try setting the detection delay to 40 or above and repot back please?

FWIW , I have an Aqara FP2 running in my apt without issue.

This includes a high usage celling fan in the middle of the room along with AV\media rack Both are classified as Interference Sources. What this effectively means is that the FP2 ignores those areas as valid scan locations.

After taking a very specific approach to setup the tracking capabilities are great while the fan does not function as a detriment to accuracy.

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Just tested with detection delay at 40, never change to present, I wait for 2 minutes in front of the sensor, never changed. I went out and in again, never changed.

Thanks for testing, what I have observed is whenever you make a change, just wave your hand it front of the sensor multiple times till it shows present, then leave the room and let it go to not present. From now on, it should work based on the config.

If you try this and let me know, it would be great

Ok, just did it, while I was waving my hand in front of the sensor it takes 50 seconds to change to present, then I leave the room and after 60 seconds (fading time 500) changed to No Present and remain that state, then I went in to the room and happened 2 entires minutes and never changed to present. I wonder if you are already in the main channel? Maybe the beta one wasn’t updated, have you tried with Iquix driver?

Thanks once again, I was using the main driver but changed to beta yesterday and wesley confirmed he has updated the fix in both so the driver is not the issue I think.

Can you send me the channel invite for the Iquix driver too please?

Sure, see below:

Once installed look for Tuya Precense Sensor Driver.

Ok thanks, what would be your preference, Wesley’s driver or this one?

Didn’t try Iquix Driver yet, I just see other people that are happy with it, the only big change that I see so far is that Iquix tread the sensor as Movement Sensor instead a Presence one.

Yup and am testing this now so will post back on my findings soon.

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