Migration to V2 - Hurdles and Best Practices

I can honestly say I learned details about v2i didn’t know before.

I just recovered from doing a V1 HUB swap due to a bad unit. It was NOT fun. Took a better part of a weekend to do about 41 zwave devices and 9 zigbee devices. Plus support deleted my old devices from the old location before I had the chance to move them over to the new location :(. Still trying to figure out all the rules/scenarios from the hold hub :frowning: :frowning:

Anyway to do a controller shift with ST like how they have in Vera?


Nope, see my earlier post:

ST hub does not support Z-WAve Controller Replication command class, so controller shift is not even an option with ST hub V1.

Sorry for your loss…

Seriously… I think a household with >≈50 Things is not unusual, and, besides upgrade to Hub V2, hub failures are a definite possibility… So SmartThings’s lack of any tools to assist with migration is incomprehensible.

I’m not just complaining about the problem. I have sketched out a solution that is far from perfect, not comprehensive, and would need many details worked out… but would reduce the Customer’s effort considerably (assuming they have a non-trivial number of Shortcuts and SmartApps configured).

Call me, SmartThings!

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@Ben @April, can we please get the ability to export all device and smartapp data in IDE to a .csv file? I could reduce the headache if I could easily download the same data I see when clicking on a device or smartapp in IDE. That would give me a map of smartapps to each device, and devices to each smartapp. Also gives me preferences.

Stretch goal, give us the ability to export above + smartapp settings. Like for the kitchen light, “turn off xx minutes after motion stops” etc.


Great idea! It helps, since the screens in the IDE are hard to capture: But those are worthwhile if you don’t get anything better: http://graph.api.smartthings.com/device/list

We can already pull all of this data from our own accounts in JSON format (easy to convert to CSV).

I just have to look up some specific URLs:
These are pretty much undocumented, so no guarantee they will work or be helpful.
Be sure to login to your graph.api (IDE) account first in the browser so your session is open.

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I was hoping for an all in one export. One click and download a csv of all device and smartapp data. Then as I delete and add back each device I will have a quick reference to how things were. Maybe one export for devices and one for smartapps. For formatting maybe a different sheet for each device and smartapp, or some clear sorting ability if the data is dumped in one sheet.

I’m sure like me, a lot folks here have continued to fine tweak various behaviors over a year or more. Having that reference data when rebuilding would be quite valuable to the effort of getting things as good as they were before the hub swap which will probably take me a couple weeks to complete.

Considering the human effort required to migrate hubs and the fact that each migration to a v2 hub will reduce ST’s cloud costs over time, I would hope ST could do this for us. They already know the URLs and backend data tricks. I could see doing a script to pull with JSON but we would each have to spend the time to figure out a few things including URLs. Not easy for a project that will be painful to begin with!

Like I said … this can all be built from the JSON output; and any of the dozens of clever programmers here could write that given the URL’s I specified.

And by “clever programmers”, I include both Community and SmartThings staff.

And yes – I am in extreme agreement that SmartThings needs to do “something” to make this easier for Customers that have anything other than a trivial number of devices and SmartApps. At ~50+, I’m dreading the tedium of doing it manually, and I don’t want to do screen prints to pre-save all of my settings either.

And … given employment with access to their database and data team, I could automate the migration process (except for the physical Device remove/add; but it’s possible to coordinate the two steps).

I hereby refer you to be hired as chief of consumer hub migration tools. A 3 to 4 month contract should be adequate. Maybe you can finish the app store as a side project while you’re there. :smiley:


*(NB: Automate Some of the steps of the migration process – maybe “most” of the process depending on how it’s measured! … But enough that it would be very helpful to medium to large sized installations. My belief and goal is to make it unnessary to uninstall/reconfigureSmartApps, Shortcuts, and Groups before/after migrating devices.).

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Near 100 hundred here and it’s so going to suck manually doing it… Guessing an entire weekend!


Right… Ironically SmartThings’s best Customers will suffer the most.


I think this is a mass conspiracy to make us clean up our inventory of apps and ghost devices!

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Think of it as a nice way to force fall cleaning of unnecessary devices and smartapps! I am begging the missus for one uninterrupted weekend once v2 is out to clean out the sh…! :wink: Would suggest doing the same…

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Ha, yup, that’s exactly how I tackled it too. But no such luxury for me, I don’t get uninterrupted weekends with two little ones running around, so I already started my clean up little by little every weekend, but the royal pain of including/excluding 100 things still remains. Hopefully by the time V2 arrives we will have a better way than walking around with ethernet tails from room to room.

@tgauchat !!! Get on it!


Thanks, Benj!

I’m already in their system…


Another Best Practices Tip

If you’re going to exclude a bunch of Z wave devices from your V1 hub in preparation for moving into your V2 hub, exclude them in the opposite order as the best practices include.

That is, start with zwave device that is the farthest away from your hub, and work back in towards it.

If you use the Z wave exclude utility in the IDE, you will have to keep pressing it every 15 seconds.

If instead you use the Minimote, it will remain in exclude mode while you move around the house. I’m not sure exactly when it times out, but it’s definitely longer than the hub. The Minimote will remain blinking red as long as it is in exclude mode.


You don’t really have to exclude them at all, provided that you know how to reset them. Once a device is reset, it can be included to the new hub, irrespective of whether it was excluded prior.

Depends on the specific zwave device. Many have a reset option which resets all the changeable parameters to the original settings but does not remove the controller information for the network. That’s why the general exclude command was created to begin with.


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