Migration to V2 - Hurdles and Best Practices

There’s a way for zwave, but SmartThings doesn’t support it.

No way for Zigbee, as it’s considered A security protection so that no one can hijack your sensors. (One reason that Zigbee is popular for security systems.)

In order to demonstrate that you have the right to arm/disarm sensors from the new controller, you have to demonstrate that you already have physical access to each one by individually resetting it.

got it… i spent tonight removing my devices and replacing the hub. All done. Tomorrow will be re-add day.

Okay folks - I added all my sensors and switches back in. Roughly 50 devices. A lot but not enormous by the standards of most gurus here. Anyway, it is done. I then had another episode of my hub not responding to any command on my mobile app. This is what prompted me to get a new hub. It started happening after I added Sonos speakers to my setup. Is it possible that Sonos causes problems? I had previously thought one of the other web services was the blame but was wrong so I am hesitant to point fingers. Although this time the error happened soon after adding Sonos and the hub is brand new and my Z-wave network is clean and fresh, so I can rule out hardware issues. Anyway, is anyone else have hub v2 problems with z-wave devices becoming unresponsive at either random times or after adding Sonos?

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Thought I would chime in on @xcguy 's question. I migrated to v2 right away and man do I regret it. I am on my second v2 hub which means I have done two full sensor swaps. My prior post outlines the problems i have been having. As @JDRoberts noted, this is mainly having all my z-wave sensors become unresponsive. I haven’t seen the poltergeist problem yet though. When I had v1 I had no issues at all other than network lag. Happily I no longer have lag, but I would take lag over all out unresponsiveness. I’m sure they will work out the problems over time so my advice is to wait until they do so you dont have to go through the agony of helping them find bugs. Unless of course you enjoy that sort of thing - which in a sad sort of way I kind of do.

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Based on the horrible customer communication and lack of a real migration process it was clear that v2 was a half baked disaster. It’s sad because this all had such potential.

It still has lots of potential. That’s part that requires patience … SmartThings is 50% potential… or 80%? Well… you come up with a proportion.

Of course, competitors have a lot of potential too.


I appreciate all the help you’ve been giving to the community.

I’m only to hub version 1 right now with version 2 sitting on my cabinet. Am i hearing correctly that it would probably be best for me to continue using version 1 hub for a while until more bugs have been worked out a version 2?


Would you chime in as well?

To migrate or not to migrate, that is the question?

SmartThings staff themselves have said in the forums if the V1 hub is working well for you, there’s no real reason to upgrade to the V2 hub yet. :wink:

I did see a benefit from the Z wave plus controller in range to my front door lock, but I think that was offset by synchronicity issues with the local processing.

And since the Bluetooth antenna in V2 is not yet enabled, all the device options are the same.

It’s a personal choice. But I would tend to come down on the “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” side for now.

(By the way, if you want to tag someone so they’ll see your post, you’ll need to include the @ in front of their handle.)

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Thanks for the summary!

Thanks @JDRoberts☺

I have several new devices I’ve been wanting to add - some are switches that will be in wall and quite a way from my hub so I’m a leaning toward going ahead.

Have the “ghost” events been a major continuing issue for you?

Unfortunately, yes. Along with other instability issues. It got to the point in November when I realized I was paying about $50 a week in aide time just to maintain the SmartThings system. (Since I am quadriparetic, I can’t, for example, reset a device by removing the batteries and putting them back in. Most other people would be spending time on this rather than money.) And the lock continued to unlock randomly on its own.

For safety reasons, since that was the front door lock, we ended up replacing it with a Bluetooth lock. And for maintenance cost reasons moved other essential devices off of SmartThings. We still have nonessential sensors like the guestroom window and nightlights On SmartThings for now.

(I should add that I don’t think zwave is the problem with the lock, just the ST network. I also have ghost events with virtual switches, where there are obviously no protocol factors. )

Wow. Thanks for the feedback. You’ve changed my mind on moving forward with my migration. All my exterior locks are on ST now - can’t have them going bonkers.

I’ll go ahead and install my new devices on V1 Hub. I really haven’t had too much of a latency issue anyway. Did like the concept of adding Bluetooth devices though.

As someone recently said - “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it!”

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So the migration process is still a pain? Man… I didn’t realize it was this labor intensive to change hubs, I ordered the holiday deal for the home monitor kit but I’m looking at possibly returning it now. I live in an old 1920s house with plaster walls and only until I had a lot of items added to SmartThings did my network start to feel reliable. I imagine stripping it back to zero will involve a lot of me wandering around with the hub. Ugh.

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Aeon Minimote is inexpensive and I hear well worth it for this task.


Absolutely. I know I bought a couple for about $17 each (deals come up around this price on a weekly basis on slickdeals) and while they are smaller than I originally imagined, they work great. They work fantastically for excluding and adding devices. While I didn’t NEED to use one for my small migration to ST from Staples, I still did because I wanted to be ready for STv3 in a couple years.

If you buy multiples, one thing I recommend is using a marker on the underside of the slide cover to label them (could be 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C, or something based on room even).

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I’m in the same boat as you. I bought this hub with the hope that home automation would save me time. I don’t relish the idea of spending 3 days dancing around my house trying to migrate all my devices to the v2. I’m going to try and send my v2 back for a refund, and I’m not going to invest in any future z-wave controllers that don’t guarantee an easy upgrade path.

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Yeah, I returned mine. Not worth it. But apparently they’ve got some app stuff in the works that could aid in upgrading… Fingers crossed.

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I’m working on my migration currently. I have 16 of 19 devices up and running. The last thing I’m having issues with are 3 Zigbee Cree LED Light Bulbs. I’m not able to re add them to the new hub for some reason.

Has anyone else had any issues? Anything I should try right off the bat?

I had issues with mine and ended up doing a couple of things to get them up and running on the V2 hub. I have all the motion sensors, 2 thermostats, and my ADT alarm panel (which I’m not looking forward to at all!). I hear alarm decoder is going to have a supported configuration available soon - so I may just wait a while…

For the cree bulbs:

I had the My Cree Bulb beta device handler and I ended up deleting it. I doubt it was the problem, but the standard one seems fine - even though it doesn’t have the cool dim rate settings.

I had to power down the old V1 hub. For some reason even though I never enabled connect to new devices on the V1 hub they would never connect to the V2 hub. I would switch locations and discover them under the Not Configured devices on the V1 - weird…

Make sure the bulb is off when starting the search for new devices, then turn it on after the search starts for new devices.

Hope this helps…

Thanks for the response. I already had my v1 hub disconnected and removed from smartthings. Even though I removed them before disconnecting, I feel like they wont connect because they are somehow still connected to the old hub.

Is there anyway to “reset” the bulbs and clear their memory?

Just wondering if ST’s every going to release a migration tool.

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