[OBSOLETE] Mi Connector (Xiaomi and Yeelight)

@fison67: I export the data in a Google Sheet, for example, I can see 2 columns related to the value: one is the pure numeric data, that has to be a number, one it’s like a description, so value and unit symbol.
Because of that I cannot use for example the device as temperature sensor in ActionTiles, because the value isn’t numeric and it cannot be processed.

@fison67: sendEvent(name:“humidity”, value: params.data +"%")
The ‘sendEvent’ value has to be numeric, not a string.

@fison67: also that:
sendEvent(name:“temperature”, value: tem +“°” )

@barabba9174 Thanks.
I modified some DTH.

Hi, first: thank you for your work.

second: I have a problem. I cannt connect via the smartapp.
I installed docker (latest version) and the db like your manual says.

When i type in the IP of my raspberry in the smartapp i cant connect. A connection via a web brwoser is not possible too.

I have no idea whats the problem.

Can you give me a hint and do your need more information?

Thank you

docker ps -a
24e9c7b72c29 jsurf/rpi-mariadb “docker-entrypoint.s…” 10 minutes ago Exited (255) 3 minutes ago>3306/tcp mariadb
91a2ac842800 fison67/mi-connector-arm:latest “/usr/bin/entry.sh /…” 10 minutes ago Restarting (139) 9 seconds ago mi-connector-arm

It looks like docker is not running.

  • mariadb >> 10 minutes ago Exited (255)
  • connector >> 10 minutes ago Restarting (139)

If you wanna see mi connector docker error log, remove mi-connector docker container first.
$ docker run -it -v /docker/mi-connector:/config --name=mi-connector-arm --net=host fison67/mi-connector-arm:latest bash
$ npm start

I installed the docker and DB, everything looks good from the log. In the connector management page, I can see a few Xiaomi items listed. But they are not showing up in Smartthings.

I have the ST Mi Connector app installed but it’s showing “An unexpected error occured” after setting the server address. One more thing I noticed is Smartthing Settings in web management page is blank. Do I need to fill that?



Server address is local address. (IP from router. ex: Which is docker’s address.
External network address is router address.(ex:


If Smartthings Settings App url, url, token is blank
press save button on mi-connector smart app, then the blanks will be filled.

You have to fill db settings.

When you press save button, if error is occured, let me know error log from Smartthings IDE.

Thanks fison67! Finally got it working. The issue was caused by OAUTH, which was disabled in the Smartthings Apps. As soon as I enabled it everything started working! This is fantastic and thanks for the effort developing this amazing app.

@fison67, Good evening. I have updated docker container to the latest version (0.0.3) and now it is almost working. I can see status of my ceiling lamp and vacuum cleaner in ST right after it is changed by mihome application. But I can’t control neither lamp non roborock. Log file is empty, there is only initialize of these devices. Could you please provide me some debug steps?

Log file is connector.log.
If there is no response or no docker log after controlling device, it is possible that the docker address of smartapp is wrong.

These log should be always be there.

Check docker address of smartapp.
If the docker IP address has changed at least once, just remove all xiaomi device on Smartthings.
Then devices are added automatically

Thanks a lot. It works.

So what does this do exactly? I have a v1 smarrthings hub, can I buy the xiaomi gateway and have them connect?

You can control xiaomi devices(WiFi, Zigbee) by smart app.
I have tested only on v2 hub.

how do I upgrade docker to v3?

Just remove docker and install 0.0.3 version docker and update DTH & Smart app.

can I ask you which command should I give to remove the docker?

solved, thanks the same

I have a curiosity, I see that the flora is present in the devices, as they should be connected since they are only bluetooth

fison67/mi-connector-arm:test docker is available to connect Flora & Flora pot If you turned on bluetooth on raspberry pi.