MCO Home MH-S312 and MH-S314 - Anyone has these working properly?

@martin.borg I updated the Zwave Tweaker to work with the new Smartthings app. I posted about it here - [BETA] Z-Wave Tweaker - #209 by mwav3 and you can get the updated version here on my Github - SmartThings-1/zwave-tweaker.groovy at master · mwav3/SmartThings-1 · GitHub

You should be able to use this updated tweaker now to perform scans of your switches to try and gather more information on them. The scans we are most interested in are “perform general device scan”, “association scan”, and “endpoint scan”. You can perform those then perform “Prints” (ie print endoints) on each one to put the values out to a live log.