[OBSOLETE] LutronPro Caseta v1.0

If I host my own website, and I have the option for a nodejs app in my cPanel as described HERE.
Would this work for my purposes?

Man, this project is D E A D, huh? I hope someone else picks up development at some point. This latest version is really niceā€¦just not the most stable thing ever.

I will report that after changing the settings I discussed above re: Hold Timeout and timeout settings, it has been much, much, much more stable. I had reported that I was going on about a week without issues, and was somewhat skeptical, hoping it wasnā€™t just luck. I think itā€™s safe to say now it makes a huge difference. I still get occasional crashes, but Iā€™m talking about weeks apart, and they seem to be for ā€œundefinedā€ reasons, i.e., theyā€™re just general instability.

Ever since, I guess, the latest update for the SmartThings hub, lutronpi only gets an mdns IP of for my hub, rendering it useless. I wish this project was still active.
Thereā€™s 5 years of people scrambling to get lutron stuff working well with ST, and now just nothing.
I keep thinking everybody moved on to some other project I havenā€™t found yet.
I just wish all my picos werenā€™t expensive paperweights/stickers now. :unamused:

I moved on to Hubitat. Local control. Supports multiple Lutron hubs. It has been flawless. Never crashed. Bug free. And FAST. As inā€¦ Instantaneous control.

So obviously as soon as I post Iā€™ll find a solution. I was able to specify the hub IP in the LutronPiServer.js to skip discovery. If anyone needs a hand Iā€™m happy to help. I would still like to get discovery working again.

Adam, you can see in a post of mine somewhere up above, that I was once very annoyed with people recommending switching to Hubitat as a solution to a SmartThings problem I was having.

But now, since I got my Hubitat hub 2 days ago, Iā€™ve seen the light. And the light is FAST. It comes on instantly, and itā€™s solid as a rock.

After finally leveling with myself that this Particular Lutron integration wasnā€™t working well enough for my standards, and would likely never be improved, I was searching for any better answer. Thatā€™s when I found that some people were now not just recommending a wholesale switch to Hubitat, but rather that you can just switch for the Lutron, and leave everything else on ST, and connect the two with 2-way communication. I decided to give this a shot, and now that Iā€™ve spent 2 days in Hubitat, Iā€™m in love, and in a rush to get EVERYTHING I have switched over, and leave the ST mess behind forever.

App over here, classic app over there, IDE needed for many things, Load this DTH up for this thing, load that smartapp up for that thing, create another cloud account over here and integrate github to install this smartapp so you can link your developer account and run this virtual deviceā€¦Run a node.js server for this and put a raspberry pi in place to do thatā€¦and just log into all your accounts and link all your man-in-the-middle nonsense, sit back, click the button and waitā€¦
Keep waitingā€¦it will come on eventually.

NO THANKS to all that! Now that Iā€™ve tasted what itā€™s like for everything to be integrated a localā€¦the drivers, the dashboard, the rule engine, the native lutron support, the native chromecast support, etc, etc, etcā€¦ I canā€™t believe what ST users accept as normal, and Iā€™m newly excited about further expanding my smart home!

The above sounds a little hyperbolic and makes it sound like I had big issues with my gearā€“which, to a ST apologist, will be written off as ā€œhe didnā€™t know what he was doingā€¦if he was any good, he wouldnā€™t have problems.ā€ To that Iā€™ll just say: Nah. I did fine. And my system was fine, just as yours is fine. But we both know thereā€™s a lot of complexity there, and inherent instability and lag that is unavoidable with a cloud-only service. Until youā€™ve seen the other side, itā€™s easy to accept that this is just the way things have to be to get all the power and flexibility you need. I can assure you: it doesnā€™t have to be like that.

Anyone still having issues with Lutron on ST, node.js, etc.: At least consider getting a Hubitat hub to take over your Lutron stuff. And see from there. I have, and Iā€™m not looking back!


So I have everything working until the last step, when I choose the pico and hit done, it saying ā€œdeviceNetworkId must be uniqueā€, and obviously that pico is not showed in ST. What should I do


so just curious: Itā€™s not currently clear to me: Do you need the pro hub to use the pico remotes? The initial post seems to say you donā€™t.

I was wondering if this smartapp still works and do you need the pro bridge to use picos separate?

Sucks that i found this thread and it seems likes its dead now. was really hoping for a solution to getting my pico remotes to work in smartthings.

Hi I was wondering if this was still a working solution or if this smartapp is dead??