Looking for Product Recommendation Matter Candelabra Bulb

Hey everyone. It’s been awhile since I’ve had time to mess w our smartthings hub and now that we’re in our new house I’m looking to add some bulbs.

I’m trying to find a matter enabled candelabra bulb for our ceiling fans and am just not sure what is good and not. I recently bought some lighting side bulbs off Amazon and those are working great but they don’t seem to have matter enabled in candelabra. Hoping someone can point me to a good brand that won’t break the bank. Thanks for reading.

Bulbs which will work with a Hue bridge can usually be brought into matter that way, although I’m not sure if it’s all brands or not.

GE Cync Will probably have some within the next six months, but I don’t think they have a candelabra version yet. :thinking:

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Does anyone in the community have a recommendation? I have not been happy w my Hue lights.

Most people like everything about Hue Brand lights except the cost. They tend to have better color rendering and more features than some of the less expensive brands.

What specifically is it that you don’t like about them? I just want to get a sense of whether another Zigbee bulb in the same spot would have the same issues for you. :thinking:

Just have had a lot of connection issues with mine. We moved to a new place and that certainly hasn’t helped. Tried removing and readding them and they still don’t work great. Won’t respond to Google now even though I told Google to sync back up. The matter enabled devices just seem to work better over all from my limited experience so far.

Are you using them with a Hue bridge or directly connected to a SmartThings/aeotec hub?

Directly connected to my hub. These are some of the first lights we ever got shortly after the original hub even came out so they are very old.