So, I read through the homeseer manual, looked through their website, and for the life of me, I still cannot find a list of specific features that are configurable.
It does mention “dimming is configurable” or something to that effect, but that is quite a vague statement. I’m looking for something like: “max dim threshold, min dim threshold, dim speed, led light configuration, etc”.
I’m basically wanting to ensure that the control from the switch itself is a pleasurable one. Otherwise I’d just go with the GE switch and save some money…
Am I missing this important info? Or perhaps I should I just call their customer service…
Asking the manufacturer is a good idea. You should also ask the community members who have this particular switch. You’ll find them in the following thread:
So I’ve been keeping an eye out for HomeSeer’s homegrown light switches and dimmers for a while…they are finally in Z-Wave Smart Dimmers, Switches & Fan Controllers | HomeSeer
The are competitively priced and offer 2/3 tap scene control…now for my question:
There is this disclaimer at the bottom of the order page…(IMPORTANT: HS-WD100+ and HS-WS100 provide instant status feedback and double-tap, triple-tap, press & hold functionality using the Z-Wave “central scene” command class. The feature is supported by all HomeSeer systems, including HS3 software and HomeTroller controllers. If you’re using another brand of controller, be sure to check with that manufacturer to see if the central scene features are supported.)
I couldn’t find anything in the forums that said if ST was “central scen…
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