[OBSOLETE] Lightwave RF Integration (UK)

thanks @adamclark_dev . I’m waiting for a USB keyboard to arrive (all mine are bluetooth) so thought Putty might be a shortcut to get things up and running but might have to continue on another day . Thanks for your suggestions and all your hard work putting this together .

@Tim_Raynor - No worries, give the cache clean a go, if not then maybe try again in an hour or so. If you have some big downloads going on, then kill them as well.

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It really really is! Now I don’t think that there is any competition just yet on the horizon, but they have a real chance of being numero uno if they don’t miss their window! - I mean, I know we’ll get it, but when…

Thanks again

@CraigJohn Yeah, import, I got it for a steal from a free ads site in Ireland here, chap didn’t know what he had, I could easily double my money if I stuck in on ebay :grin:

@gav_gall - Just had a read and looks like newest version of npm and nodejs might have a workaround (if it is a network issue), try the following commands (to update npm and nodejs),

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_5.x | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt-get install nodejs

sudo npm install npm -g

and then try

sudo npm install -g forever


There is obviously a step I’ve gotten wrong but I cannot get this to work on my setup. I’m running a Debian VM on a Mac so copied the same set up as you have here Adam. I wonder if it’s because the register button on the ST app hasn’t gone green or if it’s a setting with the server.

I know some people have gone with the Pi option - would it also work on an arduino?


@ciaranmullaney - Haven’t used an Arduino before so couldn’t tell you, but don’t believe they run linux.

I would say there is a 90% chance that the lightwaverf can’t communicate with the VM due to the ports not being open. Try installing nodejs and npm directly on your mac using homebrew with the following guide.


then copy the repo into /var/www and install forever and froever service, and then install the server as a service.

Am guessing that LWRF haven’t changed the registration message between it’s old and new hub.

I was not actually using the Debian VM, just using it to demo the setup. Thinking about it , the VM IP would definitely not be accessible by the smartthings hub. On your Mac it should be fine, as that is how I built the server.


Cheers Adam,

Appreciate the help as always. Will give this a try over the weekend.


The new Raspberry Pi system took a big test last night :fearful:

We had a 2 hour power cut which knocked out Router, lights, RPi and Lightwave Hub and took the smartthing Hub off line.

When the power recovered everything came back on and restarted perfectly so by breakfast all the routines were working and LW was responding perfectly.

I wouldn’t have even noticed apart from our HUE bulbs coming on full at 3.00am when the power came back on.

I think I can safely say LWrf is now a usable part of my diverse smartthings HA eco system.:relaxed:


Hi @adamclark_dev I thought I had it cracked . Due to the connectivity issues I located my Pi directly onto my Sky router

npm install forever appeared to work as did forever-service but then I got to “service Lwrf start” and got this message

Job for lwrf.service failed. See ‘systemctl status lwrf.service’ and ‘journalctl -xn’ for details

so close but yet so far …


not quite sure what I had screwed up but I went through all the steps again and then renamed my service to lwrf1 instead (as lwrf service already existed but wasn’t working)…

all working perfectly now , thanks Adam !!!

Just installed the pi and it all works with lwrf! thanks for your help!!

Evening @adamclark_dev ,

Got my Pi2 today, all setup and running perfectly, did have a funny 5 minutes however, I started the services and tried to turn on a few lights and wasn’t working, so loaded the live logs and it was steaming through repeated attempts at a rate of knots, after some brainstorming I realised I needed to register as it was effectively a new device.

So I down this and half the house turned into a disco, forgot to restart the service so it was almost like a mass attack of attempts :smile: bit of fun I guess lol.

Anyhow, all working lovely, I feel much better not running a full on computer just for this :slightly_smiling:

Anyone got any pointers on a good remote client to run on Raspbian? ideally not a VNC which requires opening off ports for remote access from anywhere, I’m going to assume TeamViewer wont work?

@CraigJohn I’ve just finished setting everything up on a Pi2 and had the exact same problem with the lights going for the crazy Saturday disco vibe! Restarted the service and all working perfectly.

If you do figure out a good remote client option then please let us know.


@ciaranmullaney, @dthomp13, @Tim_Raynor, @Silverpawn - Glad to hear it’s working for you

@CraigJohn, @ciaranmullaney - If you are using windows then PUTTY is probably your best bet to connect to the pi. If you are on a mac then you can SSH the PI from the terminal.

Regarding the crazy disco, I will put in a check to the server to make sure the light is registered, as it goes into a loop of making sure the command it’s the hub with no response. The easiest solution to this is probably to register the lights before issuing any commands though.


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@adamclark_dev Adam, I’ve just this second been able to link my echo with smartthings, I then did a discovery, and all my lwrf devices (on smartthings with your work) have appeared in the alexa app!!!

I’ve done all this remotely, so I haven’t been able to test it as such, but it would never let me go this far before! Can’t wait to get home now :joy:

@gav_gall I didn’t think Alexa worked over here ?

If that’s the case bigger waiting for them to wake up and release it here, I’m just getting an import. Let me know how it goes mate. Interested to see results.

@adamclark_dev it works!!! Although it’s backwards for me i.e. I have to say ‘Alexa, turn off main lights’ in order to turn them ON - but I’m pretty sure that’s just a config issue on my end, I have all sorts of VM’s running on Hyper-V trying different things for Alexa, so I’m going to do bin those and do a fresh VM install at the weekend, just for your nodejs server thingy.

@CraigJohn - oh Alexa works fine for most things.
As above, up until recently it didn’t play well with Smartthings hubs from the UK/IRE - now it seemingly does!
Also works perfectly with the Belkin Wemo range of devices (natively)
Works with Tunein for live radio/podcasts
Works with Spotify (you need premium)
You can set alarms, timers, add items to shopping lists, add items to to-do lists - and you can email them to yourself via IFTTT
You can also get news briefings, weather reports (you’ll need to ask ‘Alexa, whats the weather in (your location) tomorrow’ - otherwise it’ll just give you weather for some place in the states :slightly_smiling:

Get one Craig if you can, you won’t regret it :smiley:

@gav_gall - Can confirm, Just tried with my echo and can control my LWRF Lights through it!

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@gav_gall Ive just sent a friend the money to buy one directly in US for me.
Friend is going over next month, she will bring it back :smile:

@adamclark_dev does it require reverse command for the LWRF? with regards to what Gav said about having to say off for on and on for off?

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@CraigJohn does not seem to be the wrong way around for me.