LIFX and Works with Nest

I created an SmartThings App LIFX Connect and the associated SmartThings Device LIFX Bulb

Steps are:

  1. Add the Smart Device ( From Code)
  2. Add the Smart App ( From Code)
  3. Click on App settings
  4. In settings, set your access_token (which you can get from Chendo
  5. You can set debug to true, if you want some debugging statement in the log
  6. Install the app (I personally use the IDE simulator to set a location, then i can open the SmartApp in the iOS app)

You should be able to find all your bulbs and add them.

Know bugs so far:

  • If you use LIFX app to turn bulb on/off, their status won’t reflect for at least 5 minute (there is a job that get call every 5 minutes)
  • In the mean time there is a delay on the cloud API of LIFX on the status of a bulb, I wasn’t able to find out how long of a delay it is. But if you turn a bulb on by their API, the status endpoint is not updated right away
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