Kwikset 916 only recognized as 910

You can find the raw description by opening the IDE, Click on My Devices → Click on your lock → Scroll down to raw description

The locking/unlocking status depends on which device handler you’re using, each one uses a different way of representing the status. The best way to know if to refresh/reload the page and it’ll show you the latest status.

If you want proper feedback about the user code and it’s programmed status and ability to reprogram them I would recommend using a more sophisticated app like LUM, it has color codes for each user which help you understand what’s going on with each user (programmed, pending, failed, deleted etc). You can find more details about it in the first post:

You may also want to read this topic which may help if you’re not seeing the reported lock status not in sync with the actual lock: FAQ: why would I need another beaming repeater if my zwave lock is already close to my hub? - #2 by RBoy