Kwikset 914 Zigbee will not connect

Hello all,

I have setup a few of these zigbee’s 914’s but I got two of them ebay. They are opened and looks kind of used. Anyway For the life of me i cannot connect them.

They are 1-2 inch from the hub and i’m adding them through add lock --> kwikset 914 zigbee.

Also tried catch all.

I am getting nothing from both of them. I’m assuming they’re duds and i’ve been ripped off.

Does anyone know any tricks to get these on?

thank you

Have you tried resetting the locks? Also, if you have any custom device handlers previously installed, you may want to save and publish for me again in IDE.

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not sure how to reset? I have done the 9 B button press which removes it from any zigbee network.

I will try re publish the custom device type.

Mate - I updated the custom device handler - published and tried again. it appeared instantly. thank you!

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