Just getting started.. almost

Order my SmartThings Smart kit today with two additional door sensor (ecolink Z-wave) and two Tilt Sensor (also ecolink z-wave). Phase I of this project is getting all the door monitored for coming and going and the garage door monitored for being left open., which seems to happen a lot around here.

Phase Ib is hooking up relay openers to the garage door to automatically close or open them. Then I will work on the lights. I am a programmer, well not much any more but that is my background so I am looking forward to tinkering.

Little disappointed in the lack of a smartthings ipad app but SmartTile will have to do. That might allow me to get a cheap android device and mount it in the kitchen for permanent display. Any advice is appreciated. I use IFTTT a bit to so looking to all the different ways I can expand on that.


Welcome to the forums!

You may have already seen this, but just in case not:

Welcome to the community and SmartThings.

PS if monitoring doors and locks is your goal at the moment don’t freak out if the Dashboard page of the SmartThings app lies about status. It’s a bit buggy. SmartTiles is the way to go!

You can download the regular SmartThings app on your iPad, as I have. It works fine. Welcome, by the way!

Welcome! Glad to have you onboard!