Is there any way to be notified/know when a shcheduled event has become "dead"?

The most annoying result for me of ST’s platform occasional instabilities, is that now and then my scheduled events stop firing, as if the corresponding chron job had been deleted/removed from the system. That typically blocks a good percentage of my monitoring (battery powered thermostats are not polled anymore, alarm status is not polled, mode management doesn’t kick-in any more, pool timer, sprinklers, …) goes down, and I realize about it only after several hours when I see that something is out of whack.

I understand that some infrastructure work may lead to the loss of scheduled jobs; but is there a way to be notified about such loss? Or, is there a way for such infrastructure work to transparently re-create such scheduled jobs (which is, in the end, what I need to do manually by updating all the involved ST apps)?

I realize this is more a question for ST engineers than for this forum; but I thought it could be useful to share it here.


I’ve had a ticket open about this for almost two months. I have everything logging to an external service and just have gotten in the habit of checking it constantly so I know when to reinitialize all of my scheduled apps.

Good luck.

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