Is smartthings offline? fixed but now all "Globe" branded bulbs all off line

Well walked through your work around… and that failed for me… they did show online after changing bulb type and choosing my hub… but could not use ST app dashboard to do anything with bulb… I then deleted them through the IDE and updated the link to Globe Suite from ST and voila… they now show up as connected again, but this is temporary as the next day they once again are offline.

“I then deleted them through the IDE and updated the link to Globe Suite from ST and voila… they now show up as connected again, but this is temporary as the next day they once again are offline” That was exactly what happened to me the day before but performed what I described and it has held all night and for today as well. Still holding out hope they stay on line. Sorry to hear it did not work. One thing I had to do was, On the dashboard I had to select the on/off button before they were usable in the dashboard. If I selected the bulb and the page displaying colour wheel and etc would not be usable unless I had turned the bulb off and on through the main page of the dashboard. not sure if you tried that. good luck!

Instead of removing the devices and integration - try going to menu > linked services - open that linked service and click through the screens and done on the last one. See if that reconnects with the proper state for their devices. May or may not help.

There was a similar issue with Meross this summer where devices stopped responding daily and had to go in through linked services to reestablish the connectIon. Meross finally fixed it late August. It was quite the pain to have to do it every day for months.

“inked services - open that linked service and click through the screens and done on the last one.” I tried that on the Globe Suite app and all that happened is a blank white window opened, I got the spinning wheel and then it closed. Just to ensure I understand you correctly Menu > Linked Services > Globe Suite…then magic happens, and there should be some screen where I should be able to select “done”. Did I understand you correctly?

Thanks BTW for the help.


it should but I do not have Globe Suite. Definitely report that to their support

Experiencing issue as well. My hub led turn solid blue. Resetting the device fix the issue but 10-20 minutes later the led is back to blue again.

My bulbs have held for the last couple days after did my playing around.
Will update post weekend.


Well they went offline again. Automations still work but direct control is gone again. Deleting the device from ST and then re linking Globe Suite brings it back. But of course this bungles up any reference to them in automations and my naming of them and control in google home. Argh.

I have one that keeps dropping offline but beyond that been pretty solid.