iOS 2.9.0 release

2.9.0 just showed up in the AppStore for me, any change log? I haven’t noticed any major changes.

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@slagle release 2.9.0 another major release with no list of what changed. Saying contains bug fixes, enhancements and usability improvements is useless. Of course it contains bug fixes and improvements what is the alternative? Added bugs and made app worse? We used to get a list of improvements posted to this community. When that stoped we were promised that the list of changes would be posted in the app description. That isn’t happening.


The same holds true in the Play Store for the Android side. It’s generic in nature and even the date for the revision is incorrect (prior date used for a previous update) as the 2.9 for Android was presented on the Play Store on 8/29.

And FYI. Whatever they did on the Android side, Things load at a screaming speed now. It takes about 1 second if that to load things in the app.

I wonder if this update contains what’s needed for the ADT hub.


So far, I haven’t seen a thing that appears different. Can’t test new things ‘cause no idea what’s new. :neutral_face:

This way they can deny that they broke anything :joy:

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I can tell you what isn’t fixed: VoiceOver navigation. In fact, there are now a couple of new VoiceOver errors on the Home screen. :disappointed_relieved:



Time for another negative review in tha App Store, LOL :joy:

Will they ever learn?

That’s ridiculous the only, slightly meaningful part of the update is the claim “several usability improvements”. So much for that.

So far nobody has found any improvements but it has become worse in terms of usability. Well done.


I don’t know that I can say it’s actually worse, since it wasn’t working before. Now you just find out that it isn’t working sooner. Maybe that counts as an improvement? :wink:


This kind of feedback must be terribly frustrating for the folks in engineering & support who actually interact with those customers who depend on usability features for daily living. It’s hard when product decisions are made above one’s level and to publicly comment to that effect is a “career limiting” move.

I don’t know how this is sorted out internally, but I doubt that the engineering guys went through the trouble of developing, packaging, testing and releasing an update without proper documentation and release notes. Hell, you can’t even do proper testing without a defined set of changes, so I’m sure they didn’t just “release an update” and didn’t note what it was.

Similarly, I doubt that whoever published this to the appropriate app stores simply “forgot” (for the 200th time) to include the description of what was changed.

We’ve chastised the whole platform before for being terribly vague with the description of the fixes, but I guess that only goes so far.

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The “engineering guys” have to do what their Product Managers schedule, which is (largely) dictated by Marketing dweebs. Test departments have to finish by a deadline (usually too close to the actual code build), rather than when testing actually completes & bugs are identified/fixed.

IMHO (based on a career in software, including Fortune 500 companies as well as startups) and YMMV (some companies are better than others).

Obviously, a sore point from a jaded engineer & engineering manager that lost too many quality battles :yum:

Agreed. Perhaps it is a directive from on high. Like the regular updates to Facebook, for example. “We know what you want, just believe us and share your contacts with us, too!” Some companies I’ve worked at don’t publicly air details of fixed bugs reported internally, i.e., not customer issues.

Admittedly, a lot of folks don’t care what changed, but us power users do :sunglasses:

I’ll be happy if the iOS crash during device discovery is fixed. Thats the one lingering bug that seems to have gone unaddressed.


I was forced to migrate my account to Samsung account, after that my app on the iphone has been crashing ever since after launch. Are others facing this issue?

Have reached out to support earlier today, awaiting for a response.


did you sign up for the migration beta?

yes i did sign up for beta

Then support probably can’t help. Log a bug on the beta page

iOS 2.9.1 has been released.

Based on the description in the AppStore it is identical to 2.9.0 (i.e., the changelog is exactly the same) :man_facepalming:

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