iOS 2.6.0 released 19 Sept 2017

Either I am a giant idiot (this might be true) or this new slider with the done button is really bad (which also might be true).

I KNEW that you had to hit done because I read it here when the new update came out. However, I was out of the country for a few days. When I got home I gave it a try and manually setting the level of my lights did not work. Because most of my lights are LIFX and I use my own custom device handler I assumed I was doing something wrong. After about 30 minutes of debugging, I realized I was not hitting done.

It’s just not intuitive, I knew I had to hit done and still messed it up. My problem is that my eyes are focused on the bar and not the “Done”.


As a dev, I also don’t like the new slider because it tries to do what I was already doing by showing the value in another tile (in my preferred format), but now I lost the sliders label (a device can have many), and worse yet, on the new window it shows the device name instead of the slider label, or a combination of the two.


Nice to see the new slider updated in 2.7 to be real time. No more ‘done’ required to see the change.


Agreed. I wish I didn’t have the extra button press to access, would be nice if when you click on a dimming device, you were immediately brought to full screen dimmer view with color control and saturation. I can turn the light on and off from the main device page so we don’t really need device status after selecting the device. Just my 2 cents.