iOS 2.3.5 - Release Notes

That seems reasonable, they don’t seem to listen to the issues you guys find anyway :wink:

Note - updated to 2.3.6 yesterday - tiny font on primary on multi-tiles is still there…

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It baffles me that such a bug can slip into production AND be missed on a subsequent release. Is there nobody on the iOS dev team that actually tests the code before release? Seriously, it’s not one of those bugs where a specific set of variables and events have to occur; all you need to do is look at any multi-tile device to see this bug.

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This tiny font bug has been fixed for the next release. It was due to the use of multi attribute tiles specifying a single state using the PRIMARY_CONTROL and NOT specifying an icon with the state. The UI is laying out correctly when there is an icon specified. We have a similar tiny font issue on Things page that is also fixed for the next release. We’re targeting the end of the month.


Can you be sure to fix it on the Android version as well (it has had Tiny Fonts since forever…it would be nice to get to a consistent UI across both iOS and Android - but common with the Large font, not the Tiny font…)



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