Inovelli 3 way switch installation

I’ve installed about 40 switches in my “old” and “new” house. I thought I’d do a video of my latest one. I installed GE’s mostly, but lately have switched to Inovelli, because they are less expensive and don’t require a smart switch in every box. You can use a standard 3 way in one box. I just hope this helps someone. Everyone here has been very helpful. FYI: Everyone has their own reasons for installing smart switches. I have two…I love gadgets and I have myasthenia gravis, a rare neuro-muscular disease. Sometime my muscles don’t work well, and sometimes not at all. It all started as a “project” so I could open my garage doors for the EMTs, and turned into something fun to do, when I had little energy, and had to stay out of the heat. My paralysis comes on fast, I and can be totally paralyzed within 3 minutes, with just a little warning. I doesn’t happen often, about 10 times now, but it is super freaky! Rock on, my friends! Sorry about the sniffle…cat allergy. Also I say at the beginning…take a picture…of your switches…before pulling off the wires.