Trådfri directly to ST is very stable…
As a bonus, you get a very stable zigbee mesh for the rest of your ST devices…
Cheers. Will try!
Just a quick update on my situation… I think I have a faulty bulb
Reset the bulb and repaired… same
REset the bulb and left it… same
I managed to get a video of it happening:
Oh well, it can stay on the side until next time I go to get it swapped/refund
The price is reasonable and I do not need to buy one more hub!
In case anyone is wondering I was not able to pair the Tradfri 10W LED driver pack directly to my ST hub after repeated attempts.
Paired quickly and works well with my Hue hub however, which is good enough for me.
Once I had the TradFri light paired to ST it’s been very stable.
Has anyone seen this?
I’m trying to pair the non color changing (plain white 1000 lumens) and it shows up as “thing”. From there I can’t do anything with it. Google doesn’t recognize it after syncing and I have no options in ST to turn off, on, dim, etc.
I had 0 problems with the other bulb shown in the photo (color changing, warm colors, 950 lumens).
Thanks in advance
Yes, I have the same “Thing” going on.
I added the following fingerprint to my copy of Edvalds device handler (after looking up the Raw Description of the newly added Thing in the IDE):
fingerprint profileId: “0104”, inClusters: “0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0B05, 1000”, outClusters: “0005, 0019, 0020, 1000”, manufacturer: “IKEA of Sweden”, model: “TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm”, deviceJoinName: “TRADFRI bulb E27 W opal 1000lm”
After deleting the Thing and resetting the bulb it paired without issues.
Hope this helps.
Just pinging this thread too to see if anyone has the 5-button remote working.
This device handler: - can read the device’s battery status (yay?) but at least it shows some type of working connection…
Hello everyone,
I’m having issues with my tradfi bulb where it sometimes randomly turns off by itself… Any idea why this is?
Is there anything in the ST app / website under events for that bulb?
Could just be bad hardware, it happens. Have you tried resetting to factory ? 6 times on / off etc.
I’ve just paired and set up the 10W led driver with ST hub. I paired them first with puck steering device and the Trådfri Gateway to get the latest firmware, and then with the ST hub. Obvious question but did you reset the driver first? There’s a hole you push a pin into, then just lie it on the hub and search for “things” from the app. Worked first time for me. Once you have the “thing” you then have to go to IDE and change it to ZigBee Dimmer.
I am trying to pair a TRADFRI bulb E26 CWS opal 600lm (color changing) to ST and I am able to pair the light and it adds it as a “Thing” I also added the DH from Pedro Garcia Date: 2017-09-17 Version: 1.1 from and assigned it to the light in the API but in the app it only shows a status of “Checking Status” and I get an error of “Can’t Connect to device. Check device and try again”
I have tried to delete and repair the device several times with no change in these errors. Any suggestions to pair this directly with ST? Thanks!
I’ve made some progress but still getting the error that the app can not connect.
I modified the fingerprintID to match this bulb and not it will add and assign the DH but I still can not connect.
fingerprint profileId: "C05E", inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0300, 0B05, 1000", outClusters: "0005, 0019, 0020, 1000", manufacturer: "IKEA of Sweden", model: "TRADFRI bulb E26 CWS opal 600lm", deviceJoinName: "TRADFRI bulb E26 CWS opal 600lm"
Thanks Peter. I haven’t tried a reset yet. Somehow it hasn’t done it anymore since the post. I must’ve spooked it.
I have a couple of 1000lm Ikea trådfri bulbs. I have them paired and working as ZLL dimmable bulb. It works great but sometimes I find it anoying to use my phone. So I bought one of the simpler Ikea remotes. The rotation wheel dimmer without buttons. First time I connected it directly to the bulbs. The remote works great but it give me problems with the smsrtthings app. So then I reset the remote and the bulbs. I added the bulbs again and then I added the remote to the smartthings hub. It shows up as a thing. Then I connected the remote to the bulbs directly. The bulbs flashed so I know they connected. But the remote dosent work? The bulbs works in the smartthings app.
Is there something more I need to do? Should the remote just be added as a thing in the app? Or do I need to login to the IDE site and change something?
I had a hard time getting the right sequence of bulb, steering device and ST - and I can’t remember it now either, sorry! I was working with the five button remote, a FLOAT (sp?) panel and an LED transformer but seeing similar confusion to you.
I eventually found the right sequence of pairing and adding to make it all work.
Perhaps try pairing the remote to the bulbs and then add them all to ST?
I got it working by adding the device handler from this topic.
The dimmer is not a thing anymore and now I can pair it with the hub first and then with the bulbs. Now I can manage my lights both with the remote and the smartthings app.
Just got a few new E14 light bulbs, 400lmm, the rounded ones, not the candles. With color temp.
They seem impossible to pair, have reset the bubls many times, but nothing found.
I have the impression they can only be paired with a remote, not with a hub…??
In the log i see this:
zbjoin: {"dni":"A004","d":"90FD9FFFFED2DED0","capabilities":"8E","endpoints":[{"simple":"01 C05E 0220 02 09 0000 0003 0004 0005 0006 0008 0300 0B05 1000 04 0005 0019 0020 1000","application":"11","manufacturer":"IKEA of Sweden","model":"TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 400lm"}],"parent":"73D4","joinType":1}
Nevermind this, they showed up under things, without showing them when adding…
Has anyone been able to pair the drivers? Driving me nuts. I don’t have the IKEA gateway or a puck, I managed to connect my 10w one a while ago. I then bought a 30w one and it wouldn’t pair. I thought I would unpair me 10w one and repair to see if there was an issue with the 30w one. Now I can’t get it to repair again, so irritating as I had it working fine for months.