If I get the new Amazon Echo with built-in hub, shall I also get a SmartThings?

Yet the context of my reply should have told you that I was not presuming to speak for at individual:
“there are millions who…”
“folks who don’t give a wink…”
“All they care about is that it works.”
‘Most of what most people wish”

Not a single one of those phrases answers anything BUT the general question at the end of your post!!

I remember this about you, and I will do my best to keep it in mind in the future: I have to be very exactly specific in quoting only the relevant section of your post, else you will get stuck on something from your own posts while overlooking the context of the reply.

Actually, it’s not worth that much trouble. Think I’ll just not bother interacting with you anymore.

@DParker availability and cost, in the Uk zigbee is ??? for basic users availability and cost is important, wifi plugs are available easily and cheaply, purchasing an Echo plus insures for future availability should zigbee become more available here along with the ease of use and setup of a wifi plug, i am surprised by your questioning, not only that, basic users can enjoy home automation, learn and in time evolve if they so require without having to pay for yet another Echo

This happens alot i find with people who think they have the low down on whats what, and are, in there minds experts, they forget what a basic user is
my advice was sound and un complicated, adding in extra hubs and multiple apps as JDRoberts suggests is not a basic user

Except that there WAS NO GENERAL QUESTION AT THE END OF MY POST. That’s what you seem to be desperately trying to ignore.

And I remember this about you. Namely, that you don’t understand that paraphrasing someone’s post and responding to it as though they said something other than what they actually said does not constitute answering a question, especially when what you’re answering is a question that they (or anybody else) never asked.

Roll your eyes at yourself.

This post doesn’t make much more sense than your first one. Nobody here has said anything that suggests they’ve forgotten what a basic user is. The OP’s question was whether he should get an Echo Plus or a ST hub, or both. You seem to have forgotten that’s what we’re trying to answer here.

It all depends on your needs, depth of pocket and ability, tbh there is nothing wrong with any of the above
nope :slight_smile:

Gee, I wish I’d thought of that.

Oh, wait…