IDE Internal System Error

I am trying to update the Device Type Handler with the proper GitHub settings and getting the error below. I get this error with every Device Type Handler, even if it isn’t modified, and I click update. Tech Support needs to see this.

Hopefully you opened a support ticket with ST support?

Try an incognito window.

How do I do that? I tried a Private Window, that doesn’t work. Is that what you meant? Also happens with three different browsers.

Yes, waiting for a reply, chances are it will not happen for a few days.

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Yes, same thing. Incognito window is the term used in Chrome.

BTW, I just updated a DTH and a smartapp, I didn’t get any errors.

Updating the DTH isn’t the problem. When I go to the device properties by clicking on the icon to the left of the device line, and then choose the drop-down for choosing GitHub integration and then update it happens.

Try disconnecting your github account in IDE, then reconnect to it.

Tried that also, no luck. I can update DTH or Smart Apps no problem. I can create both, but just can’t modify the device settings .And browser change does nothing.

I see, you mean you are unable to change the github repository that is associated with a device handler.

I think I just reproduced that.

I encountered this exact error, could not add a repo to a DTH, about 5 days ago and contacted support. The rep was able to reproduce the error, contacted some of the internal folks, said they would get back to me, but I’m still waiting.

In my case I was attempting to add my own repo to a “from code” DTH I created. I gave up, went into my Github repo, manually created a new file with the following info
pasted the code, then saved it. Downloaded from repo. It’s worked fine since.

Should you be trying to add a non-owned repo, I would delete the file and then download it directly from the repo.

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Yes that is the problem, real annoying. Hope tech support fixes this soon.

In chrome, control+shift+n works for me. Are you sure you tried it in uncognito mode in chrome?..

Try again, there was an issue on our end :slightly_smiling_face:


Where would the community be without the assistance of the Proctology, sorry I mean Backend specialists. :poop:


Thank you, I feel the 500 error is fixed.

  1. I changed an existing DTH’s repo a few times without incident.
  2. add a dth from code and was able to set a Github repo then set it back to none.
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Yes fixed here also.[quote=“arnb, post:16, topic:127371”]

  1. I changed an existing DTH’s repo a few times without incident.
  2. add a dth from code and was able to set a Github repo then set it back to none.
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