How to install Smartthings Edge Drivers?

Edge Drivers require that the exact “fingerprint” stored in the firmware of the device match a fingerprint listed in the edge driver.

Devices created by Tuya are sold by many different companies under many different brand names. These secondary companies often change some of the firmware in the Tuya device to give it some unique characteristics. And even if it has exactly the same features as the original device, they quite often change the fingerprint so that it will show themselves as the manufacturer.

For this reason, the same model device from Tuya might have a dozen different fingerprints depending on the company that is selling it under that company’s brand.

If the fingerprint is not an exact match, the edge driver will not be used for that device.

So you may need to get in touch with the author of the edge Driver to have them add the exact fingerprint of your device to the edge driver so you can use it.

For example, here you can see a request from one community member that the Blitzwolf fingerprint for a specific device be added to an existing edge Driver.

So the first thing to do is to look for the author thread for the edge driver that you want to use and see if that edge driver already includes the exact fingerprint of the device that you want to add to your account.

If the edge driver does not already have that fingerprint, you will need to add the device as a thing, copy the fingerprint information as shown in the post that I just linked to, and then request that the author of the edge Driver add that fingerprint to it.

Tuya Issues

In addition, the Zigbee standard defines a basic set of “clusters,” but it does allow manufacturers to add their own proprietary commands, and Tuya has done this on a number of different models. And they have done it in different ways for different models. :thinking:

So there is no guarantee that any individual device made by Tuya will work exactly the same as another device even if they look identical on the outside. Sometimes the issue is that a particular device model will require unique code in order to work. So Tuya is not compatible with smartthings at a brand level. Instead, some Tuya devices will work with smartthings out of the box. Other tuya devices will work with smartthings with custom code. Still other devices are manufactured by tuya but then sold by other companies under other brand names and these will, at the very least, probably have a unique fingerprint. They may also require custom code.

So as you can see, when it comes to devices made by Tuya, the first rule of home automation definitely applies: “the model number matters.”