How to identify the automation rule installer?

There are two relatives temporarilly living in my house, and I invite them into my SmartThings location, such that they can control in-hosue devices. However, I found some strange automation rules installed. After calling REST APIs to check the status of installed automation rules, I found that there is no way for me to identify who installed the rule, because it only shows the location ID, without user ID.

I wonder if there is any method for me to get information about who installed an automation rule in my location?

Tagging @nayelyz

Thank you for tagging me, @JDRoberts.
Hi, @IoT_J, let me verify with the engineering team if getting that info is possible. I’ll come back here when I receive an update

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@IoT_J, there’s currently no public endpoint that shows that information but the team can investigate further to get the user who created it. For this purpose, please, send over direct message the following information:

  • Location ID
  • Rule ID
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