Hi all, this is how I succed.
Resources involved in this example:
- stock sensor(s) from SmartThings kit
- a gas furnace with an existing non-smart wireless thermostat (like the majority of the furnaces from Romania)
- a smart plug (SmartThings stock smartplug is also ok). “Switch 1” is the name of the smartplug bellow
What it does: when temperature from a(ny) sensor drops a desired temperature the furnace is turned on by the physical thermostat, witch is inserted in the smartplug. And if the temperature is to high it Turns OFF the smartplug, witch turns off the old/non-smart thermostat, witch Turns OFF the furnace (“centrala termica” in romanish).
That’s all. Is simple and functional. Here it is:
Note: the stock sensors are having about 5 minutes delay before they change the temperature.